(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* From IRS agents getting busted for trying to bribe weed stores, to more weedy … Check on YouTube
37 Commentaires
"make sure your brush is dry*drys it* maybe also well dip it in paint thinner dips it in paint thinner and gets brush wet again "LETS CUM IN TO THE VALLEY"
"make sure your brush is dry*drys it* maybe also well dip it in paint thinner dips it in paint thinner and gets brush wet again
Omg I am stupidifiedly happy from watching. See you’re right sometimes you just gotta make your own words up
Well paint me impressed.
I hope you do more Bob Josh videos. This made my night! X)
This must be it, the video I have been waiting my entire life for.
Wtf this is actually amazing
I started watching this on my lunch break and I forgot to eat 😅
This is just perfect 🤗
make more bob josh videos please? you're actually really fucking talented man. thought this video was a joke at first, but hell nah
Nailed it! Awesome video man!
Really baked on my own home grown….but I think this painting is awesomeness
this just made my night. my three favorite things; you, weed, and bob ross. please make more!
Not to bad I guess
ummm let's bring this back please
whoever disliked this is on crack
Oh please make a BOB JOSH 2 , Josh! So funny and you're a decent artist, dude! Could you paint your cat's eyes? They're so trippy!
27:22 RUINED
bob ross was chill as fuck you could tell that dude blazed
When josh is a better entertainer/ artist than you…
i got 3 minutes in and then realized this video is 31 minutes long. I can't stop laughing
i watched the entire video. surprisingly interesting. please make more bob josh videos.
I wish he could do another one like this
aaah duude hilarious
Asmr Josh
He's freaking amazing at this
What is that seriously Josh just painting that skill
wow josh u can really draw
this is my favorite video to watch when high !!
omg this is awesome! shoutout to Bob mutha fuckin Ross RIP
lol magnificent
When josh says he doesn't have artistic abilities then paints a legit painting…
lowkey not bad lol
josh is a great artist
I'm so fucking baked and some how I watched this whole thing wow
You shouldn't have added the huge tree
So glad I stumbled across this xD