This is a trailer for our newest upcoming project, Nuggetry TV. This site will have wide variety of different types of content, and we … Check on YouTube
Hell yeah. As far as I remember you guys have never spoken about any other drug other than weed which is awesome and i have been a subscriber for at least 4 years. Glad to see you guys are back on the Youtube grind. Love from South Africa 🙂
was on 220 ug of acid the other night during a nba finals game, and towards the end of my trip i was finally able to work the tv remote ( i gave up earlier on in the trip ) and i was convinced everyone on the cavs was lebron. they legit all looked like lebron and i was confused for a long ass time lmao so fun.
Didn't you at least see colors? Acid is a lot more then just laughing and being dumb as fuck at least for me every time I do acid I at least laugh the whole time and see vivid colors shit moves my vision gets like really wavy my hearing is a lot more sharp I hear shit and sometimes it gets to the point where I can see sounds
love y'all! ill watch this show when I get older for the nostalgia
such a funny episode. reppin Tampa FL!!!
Tampa Florida does not quite count as living on the 'East Coast' 😉
hahahaha "if the drapes match the blinds" FMK was baked as shit
Hell yeah. As far as I remember you guys have never spoken about any other drug other than weed which is awesome and i have been a subscriber for at least 4 years. Glad to see you guys are back on the Youtube grind. Love from South Africa 🙂
that boi bob looks like he on one
lmao when bob just casually took the crutch out.
What's the name of the song in the beginning?!? Shits 🔥 can't get it out my head. Need the full song💯🙏🏽
get the man a water lol
Bob is the real life Jeff Lebowski..
maad love for you guys ,glad your still around doin what you do
2 Dan 2 Day Damn Man
mad respect
What kind of acid were you guys taking lmao
Man…you need to go to the east coast just to experience it.
3 cool cats each in their own way , right on fellas
god i fuckin missed these videos. i am so happy you guys are making videos again, you guys should start making vlogs!
Come to michigan, highly recommend it out here. Fire meds and even better people.
You guys give a good name to medical marijuana patients and cannabis enthusiasts alike. Much respect! Cheers from Los Angeles
was on 220 ug of acid the other night during a nba finals game, and towards the end of my trip i was finally able to work the tv remote ( i gave up earlier on in the trip ) and i was convinced everyone on the cavs was lebron. they legit all looked like lebron and i was confused for a long ass time lmao so fun.
He's like the half baked guy on the couch for you guys in real life huh lol
4K please! and bless bob!
still can't get enough of that OG song in the beginning
More macro shots of greens and glass!
LOL "Wishing well of shit" Jim Lahey would be proud!
is that a mgw bowl on the mobius?
BOB 2016!
Coughing choir haha
Bobs such an OG!!! Hell yeah
Didn't you at least see colors? Acid is a lot more then just laughing and being dumb as fuck at least for me every time I do acid I at least laugh the whole time and see vivid colors shit moves my vision gets like really wavy my hearing is a lot more sharp I hear shit and sometimes it gets to the point where I can see sounds
what was the rental company so we can not deal with the same bullshit you went through?
dabs must have been really fire this round haha
Awesome haha Everyone was fucked by the end of this clip. Successful wake n' bake i would say!
I left like 6 questions nome got picked