Tigerfish Organics on his Tigerfish Organics Extra channel In this video I explain how I drought my plants to increase the uptake of … Check on YouTube
…for me though, it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes after first thorough shake of the canister for the mixture to take effect and start raising my ppm's by hundreds. TNB4life
#GodzWeedz #TNBNaturalsSponsoredGrower
CO2 is essential for the grow to produce at its best. Peace and Much Love ✌💚
Oh yeah sweet🥰🥰🥰
…for me though, it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes after first thorough shake of the canister for the mixture to take effect and start raising my ppm's by hundreds. TNB4life
i absolutely loooooved this video! What a talented guy this is… i learned 2 major helpful things and im stoked. love it
Lol …i thought I was watching a video of GRATEFUL GROWER,I miss that guy he was a really cool guy
Cheers #tnbnaturals #tnb #tnbnaturals #tnb