6 Commentaires

  1. Revegging is tricky business and it's far better to cut a clone prior too flowering. In case this is a strain you want to keep. But if you do revegg your plant. It can take 75 days under 24 hours of light before you see new shoots fully sprouting from the internodal spacing. Which again, it's far better to then take a cut/clone from the orginal plant. Then plant, veg under 18/6 for 2 months, then flowering will result in better flowers and ones that are equal to the first harvest. However as aforementioned this will take 75 days plus 60 more days of veg time and then anywhere from 55 to 75 more days In flower before you receive another harvest. But if you were to always keep at least one clone in a separate grow area prior too flowering the mother plant. You can either keep that clone as a mother or even better begin what is known as a perpetual harvest. What this means is while your primary plant is in flower your clone will be growing in veg for the entire flower cycle. Which means it will have anywhere from 2 or 3 months of veg time and you could then clone once again and Immediately put it into flowering.

  2. You CYBER ATTACKING me creates 'HATE' of FEDERAL agents. ~ The LORD has shown me about CANNABINOIDS and what is wrong with our GOVERNMENT.

    FACEBOOK sent me 5 INTERNET pages to put my story of how having THC in my blood saved my brain from OXYGEN DEPRIVATION when I wrecked dying that was seen logging on world wide. Then FACEBOOK has warned me against VIOLENCE talk, but yet the FEDERAL agents can HACK me, killing computers but me talking about it is CREATING VIOLENCE? They have banned me for 30 days for it.

    Stop CYBER ATTACKING me through my PHONE LINE. Come face this CRIPPLE.


    I had a 2000 H/D wide glide, I wrecked going way to fast trying to catch bikers I met at gas station.

    I rolled my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my ❤ 3 times, broke my pelvic bone in 5 places requiring a brace bolted, crushed my chest breaking all ribs many times puncturing both lungs, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries.

    This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests.

    Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape. This is how copper transitions into GOLD and nickel into PLATINUM.

    Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.

    ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM proves THC grows cells.

    Copper melts at 1800F. but must have the ATOMS boil at 3500F. for 100 hours covered in melted BORAX to stop oxygen creating pressure. This will shatter shells around atoms creating 50 more atoms.

    ~ Only GOD can return me from 'death'. ~ I am one of the CREATORS 'healing' warriors.

    CARBON CAPTURE will restore earth. ~ In nature it was melted QUARTS that covered metals absorbing shattered shells that created GARNETS, SAPPHIRES.

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