33 Commentaires

  1. I was to get some cvd oil for a cat to calm it , but the guy that was gonna sell it to me asked if i knew what strength would you recommend, i said i don't know. Its like $40 to $ 50 for the lower dose.

  2. Hey doc I'm torn I don't know to use CBD or hemp oil for my dog So I found myself getting the ham oil and then mixing in like 6 or 7 drops of CBD on top of that then I've been adding licorice drops on top of that there's something wrong with her but I can't figure it out I've taken her to the vet twice to the tune of $700 a week to find out nothing she is bloated I'm just like I don't know what to do at 1st she wasn't eating and didn't want to drink or exercise But with this mixture I found that sometimes she does want to exercise and and usually after I mean immediately you still want to eat you shall want to eat and has a ravenous appetite which I'm trying to control a little bit and cut back because she's on the chubby side to begin with Set it could be pancreatitis and prescribe an antibiotic and an anti nausea medicine to no Avail actually Like this vet was incompetent due to the not following up and after my 2nd visit reading the reviews I was so disheartened now I'm on my own because it's put me in kind of a financial bind and I can't afford to take her to another vet so I've been trying to treat it myself I don'treat it myself I don't think she has bloat but I don't know I was thinking A parasite Problem gone mad but I do have other dogs and I do live on a farm and and there are many animals here that I'm sure I'm not healthy and could have got something from them I just don't know Research I found that it might also be Cushing's disease? The vet said she was having a pancreatitis episode And that her blood was so thick with fat that they could barely use it with that being said for 3 days prior to the 1st vet visit I had fed her a whole entire peanut butter Don't beat me up I'm just trying to get my dog beat something about that peanut butter was better than nothing and it's all she wanted I have dramatically changed her diet and she has dramatically let me know she's not happy about it changed it to < 12 or 13% fat and anything that she does eat and also No carbs and few vegetables she doesn't care for vegetables anyway right and I also cut out candy yes I gave her massive amounts of anything she wanted and yes she's very upset about it she about it she doesn't really sing late with seen unhappy or unwell other than sometimes but she looks horrible I mean this is a really huge And when you thump it it does not sound like it is full of air or water but she did not just blow up fat like that overnight she was already troubled yes but this is crazy I'll try to put a picture but I don't think you can do that in a message can you I'm not really asking for a diagnosis just a question should I use more more essential Oils and should I continue the mixture I've been using of the CBD hemp and licorice Or should I use the oil of CBD or hemp DVD or hemp plus essential oils or what is your recommendation I'm not asking for a hit married device I've just been researching the 2 and I cannot figure it out they all say they're both good I don't know if she has pain as she is so stoic and she has never barked once in her life and she's not deaf she does bark in her sleep but she is not showing Any signs as far as I can figure out of pain? Seems to me surely she would be having some also oh yes I have been overloading her with gas X inside balls of liverworst But she has in the last day or so I started to say hell no I don't want that I'm refusing to eat it I also give her image all Emetrol when she goes to eat grass There's been no puking or dry hacking or diarrhea at all I don't know if she's nauseous that vet told me if she's not eating she is and gave me nauseous pills but they didn't seem to make a difference since she wasn't hacking her anything Also I've been trying to give her a vitamin E A tumor kill a pro biotic And a prebiotic 2 500 mg of vitamin C Milk thistle Fish oil A school softened because she looked like she was straining to poop Some days Two Benadryl She's a 70 pound micro pitbull 8 years old Boys had issues with chewing her feet and scratching her ears and of course skin problems It's always been healthy as a horse and eaten basically every meal that I eatI think that's about all the facts I can give you anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated because I am desperate as I could be it would kill me literally to have her die on me She is everything to me whatever she is whatever she has apparently is not catchy because I have 2 German shepherds and another pit bull and we all live in very very close quarters Thank you doctor thank you so much and God speed

  3. Dr. Jones, what are your thoughts on using CBD oil in dogs that have Pancreatitis, like my dog currently. He has been struggling with it for a solid month now, due to the fact that he was given Doxycycline that brought on pancreatitis. I have read lots of benefits for using CBD oil and would love your thoughts. I live in Washington state, and my vet is against it; but he is not recovering. So, I want to use it…Thoughts???

  4. I willing trying it when I get my ck for, my Apple he seventeen and half sometimes he drinks a lot of water, he is eating but I get tired of antibiotics and how affects his bowels lower urinary tract diease.

  5. I've been watching your channel a lot… my kitty finally got some answers after xrays, a few different blood work tests, stool sample, ultra sounds, an emergency overnight stay, many medications later. He has IBD and possibly small cell lymphoma. I was so happy to see you supporting the benefits of CBD. I don't like him being on the steroids 😥

  6. I love your advice! After getting my female cat spayed she started having seizures within hours of coming home. Throwing up… severe seizures. I found this video, and went to my local Sunmed store to get her some pet Cbd. I gave her a dose, and she didn’t seize for many hours. I was consistent in giving her a dose every 4-6 hrs. After a few days of success I stretched it out, and she had another seizer(less extreme though). I was afraid to wait again, so was very consistent. I noticed when days I was at work long hours she would have mild ones. Over time I was able to stretch her doses out further, and lower her Cbd dose. She has gone a few months now without needing any, and hasn’t had a seizure. Cbd, and this advice have been a blessing! Thank you

  7. Can you please tell me what type of cbd oil to buy for my cat with seizures? SO much information (isolate, broad sprectum, full sprectum) And, is hemp oil the same as CBD oil? I am so confused.

  8. In a pinch would it be safe to give a cat with seizures Charlotte's Web CBD with mint chocolate flavor oil made with sunflower oil. The other ingredient is fractionated coconut. I was thinking it may be safer to put on the ear, but was worried it may not work as well

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