45 Commentaires

  1. Good recipe my grandmother made something similar as a pie using sausage meat and beef, but she added processed cheese to the mix as the binder. I'll give tabasco a try not used it for along time, i use a chipotle in adobo and/or mild Gochujang depending on my mood. hmmm blend of Tabasco, Chipotle in adobo and Gochujang, mouth is watering time to buy aload of puff and experiment "oh guninea pigs" cough cough sorry "oh kids i got something for you to try remember christmas is coming". Got to love blackmail. Take care, God bless, One and all.

  2. Ich bin in einer gottverdammten Irrenanstalt in West Virginia eingesperrt. Gottverdammt! Ich habe nie den Mord begangen, von dem sie sagten, ich hätte ihn begangen. Verdammter Sohn einer zickigen Mutter, verdammte Scheiße! Küss meinen gottverdammten Arsch! Wie zum Teufel soll ich etwas kochen? Sie ließen mich kaum an einem Computer.

  3. A slice of cheddar and swiss sit down at the bar. The cheddar turns to the swiss and asks him are you religious? The swiss gives him a look and says no, what makes you think that? The Cheddar replies well its just that your holy.

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