35 Commentaires

  1. Peri Peri sauce is NOT from Ghana, not sure where he got that. Peri Peri is from southern Africa, either Mozambique or Angola.

    Also, I'm annoyed that she mentioned Sri Lanka and Nepal as countries which use roti but not Pakistan. Plus roti is also popular across Southeast Asia.

  2. DAL PURI is not pronounced Dal PARI. Its pronounced Dal Poori. Its a 100% Indian word so please pronounce it correctly <3 Puri means the roti and Dal is the lentils. And that Roti looked really undercooked =(

  3. Lol man wtf. Every other video discussing food history doesn't even make mention of the term "cultural appropriation" but as soon as the people are black, all of a sudden, we have to talk about it. If there's ever been a concept more phony and purposefully divisive, it's Cultural Appropriation. Sharing food is the first and largest step in understanding culture. Why sully that with politics?

  4. Man I love them all, collard greens, swish chard, kale, wild cabbage, mustard greens, all of the choys (bok, yau, gai) , jai lan, pea shoots…I love all that shit. I try not to focus my likes on one of them because I'm on a budget and we eat whichever one is the cheapest. There are some greens that I haven't tried yet because their the ones in the Asian Grocery store that don't have a phonetic translation attached but one of these days I'mah download an app for that.

  5. As a fan of many African cuisines, I think it is unhelpful to refer to "Pan-African" cuisine. That is no more accurate than "Asian Cuisine" or "European Cuisine." Cultural Appropriation in cuisine?! Don't be absurd. Corn in southern Africa or Northern Italy. Potatoes in Russia. Chile in China or India. Come on.

  6. my Caribbean food is heavily influenced my indian food. thats y its called west indian food and india is east indian food. how the fuck do u know what cuisine came from who. no history major refers to slavery at the "african diaspora" mainly cause war lords were selling slaves….the african slave trade was 2000+ old at the time. wtf are u guys talking about

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