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Growing great pot takes patience and skill – both of which are demonstrated by VortexFarmacy in this incredible video gallery. Check on YouTube
HIGH TIMES’ fave Method Man discusses legalization, strain names and the drug war in this gem from the HT vault. This interview … Check on YouTube
Check out Washington State’s finest recreational sativa, indica, and hybrid strains that were submitted for the 2014 Seattle US … Check on YouTube
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lol 4 months later and no thumbs! I'll give you a pity thumb. 🙁 <—sad face
Where the hell is REMO… Haha thumbs up if you know who im talking about.
Lolz trying to give b.o.b the joint in the shadow but he left to quick at 2:36-2:37
first day always the BEST_!!PEACE … sie bylo, sie palilo…
@topcheesehead Good eye!
anyone else notice the joint being offered to B.O.B at 2:37 . its in the shadows!
whats the name of 1:19 them look like some nice suviineers up in the ! logo is to remember not more the the Og though… wish i was smelling it at least! WOW!
@SuperPurpleUrkle wiz is the shit holmes
@skateurlaw fuck you
2:50 ive seen that bong a few times latley and it looks fucking amazing i need a close up of how it works
bad ass intro song
Funny.. earlier this year I went to Amsterdam and went around picking up cup winning buds.. and smoking them. But after the whole week staying there, it was the Big Bud from Picasso that knocked my head off more than anything else I smoked. Wasn't even a cup winner. BTW, I live in Indonesia where the weed is just waste product / offcuts. Horrible. Someone should be growing outdoor strains somewhere.. but aren't. They had dutch law until 96, apparently.
get a job you hippies! lol
3:04….what is that. i must have it
I so want a Cannatron Jersey at 3:11 YEE
@skateurlaw fuck you
Ima a big weed head, and I live in the shittiest place to get greens
Does B.O.B smoke?
Crazy glass @ 3:03
Nowt like abit of Iron Butterfly!
2:52 sohiyo
@krypekeeper hell yeah man
How is this legal? is it legal?
definitively not the best weed in the world…
Wheres Chubbs? So far the word from him is that most of the weed here is laughable…come to cali, THE BEST! greens you can buy.
They should of had snoop
the real stoners are too high to attend !
Ganja Creator TV Episode 007:2011 Cannabis Cup Day 2
Subscribe for Free seeds
he didnt bring eminem with him
fuck wiz khalifa
was really smokey in there 🙂
The US gov't said smoking marijuana(not even Cannabis's name) caused a bloodlust and made latinos and blacks sex-crazed…. while they murder people by the hundreds of thousands and enslave their citizens to pay for it. The government of any nation dictating of what you as a divine being can or cannot do in regards of altering your consciousness is mental fascism. It's nice to see there are pockets of freedom, but the status quo has to change. /watch?v=huFp-vaY_Ok
cant we all just get a bong?
whats the name of the vape at 3:07 ??
@makaveli2193 Yeah he is
giggityboi is a big dumb bitch
@giggityboi637 Yeah you are!!!