5 Commentaires

  1. this video's audio timing made me feel 10x higher – just had delahaze in austrlaia, the SECOND time in my life ive had access to real legit medical (got real lucky witha friend scripted – supere rare – and had strains he didnt like and had noooo connects and i was the only smoker he knows so i got about 2oz of fiiiiir, its like 25G delahaze which i just had and is FIRE – yest had WAPPA which KO'd me – tmrw ima try Kosher Kush as therees about 18G of that thena Q of Mandarin Cookies im saving cuz theyre 23% which is nuts for AUS haha

  2. Interesting review .. just received mine in the mail… and ya right on point with it … pine smell .. def motivated to start cleaning …lol … Delahaze is on my top 5 herbs to burn .cool vid

  3. Totally agree about the excessive plastic. Some companies even have a container inside a box. What’s the point of that. So stupid. I don’t like to complain especially about weed but cmon, they can do better.

  4. Hello my friend. It’s your blind buddy from Alberta Canada. If you need someone to do a voiceover work such as read sponsorships for you. I can do that for free. Just let me know if you’re interested on Twitter my username is (theonewhocares).

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