36 Commentaires

  1. You are such a wonderful person. You are like one of us. Most vets acts like they are just out for the money. I can remember the death of all my pets. Some depending on their Years and their closeness to me. I've had to stay in bed for 2 months. Tinkerbell was 20 years old. With me every second that was possible. She died of kidney failure. I gave her fluid treatment for months. Special foods, I couldn't face it was her time. I can look back now and see where I torture some of my loving pet trying to save them. Spent 1,000$ and 1,000$ just because I wanted to keep them. I loved them so much. Animals are our truest friends we can ever have. We can talk to them, tell them our secrets, they don't run and tell everybody. We can cry and they lick our tears away. We give them a toy and they are so happy. Their Christmas present they love. Never do they laugh and say mom what made you get me this?? They eat their food and never fuss, mainly because they know mommy will give them a little pinch. They are happy with that little pinch. But when mommy makes milk bones they love those.. I don't like to think about losing anyone, my pets are my children also.. I have so strange event that have happened to me after their death, till I had to get on medication. Thank you again love all your videos..

  2. My first dog was a lapsa opsa. Gigi was her name. Mom accidentally ran over her as she backed out of the drive way before school one morning. That little dog she was so sweet. She would lay behind my head when I'd sit on the couch as a kid and put her head on mine with her paws and lay above me. We had just moved after this to a new town and then my Dad's Mom my Mammaw passed away. It was a hard middle of my sophomore-junior high year of school. I have a dog named Daisy who will be 7 in April she's a borador. Sweet girl. And a cat named Oliver who is 10 this year. I'm 53, and they are my family. Luv my animals.

  3. Dr Jones, I am so happy you to have found you. I am hoping to reach you personally, please let me know what the best way to do so is. I've heard many good things about you while living in Nelson. I thought that if a Vet like you existed in my province (even if he is no longer officially practicing) that I could potentially help back you up with all the legality disputes. At the very least I could provide you with years of recorded data that would compliment your website. I would love to etransfer you just to have 5 minutes of your time on the phone. I wont be asking any medical advice. (I'm in the Kootenays)

    * In response to your video I have the absolute honor of waking up next to my first childhood pet every morning (she is well beyond her expected lifespan as a Golden Retriever.)
    4 years ago she was victim to malpractice at the Nelson Animal Hospital by a Female Veterinary at 1am on a weekend emergency call. The emotional trauma/OD of Anastasia, steroids and other pain medication that was instilled, has caused a number of physical and mental manifestations.

    Like is common with well over half of all pure-bread G.R's, she developed a Hemangiosarcoma of the Spleen 2 years after the traumatic incident by the Nelson Vet. Blood-worked analysis was nearly inline with a "deceased" dog.
    Every Vet clinic in Nelson gave me the same response, that she would survive a week after the first bleed-out, if we were lucky.
    Fast forward 2 years since that and I have customized a meal-plan and herbal regiment for her that could potentially save the lives of thousands of other G.R's and this very common cancer. I don't know how to get the info out there, but everyday I see strangers with G.R's and I just want to share what I have learned whilst not seeming like an insane woman.
     Ive been pushed to pursue a career in Veterinary since high school, but upon researching the Colleges programs I soon realized that the Veterinary world is just as corrupt as the Medical system.
    Because of my dogs age, most Vets arn't even willing to see her because according to their medical history books she is 100 yrs old in dog-years and would most likely die in their office. Some offered me 2 choices: removing her spleen to potentially give her another 6 months but was likely that she wouldn't come out of the surgery. Or, immediate euthanization.
    All in all, my dog Luna is a happy and active senior. She would have come home in a box that day from the Vet, but because of a little bit of herbs, REAL food, and a whole lot of compassion she has given us quality years since then. We have a hard time slowing her down. She loves to run in the forest and sometimes will bang her belly jumping over a log. This causes her to bleed internally and collapse without warning, showing extreme signs of Anemia like white gums and tongue. Ive learned which Chinese herbs to give her and have brought her back from many terrifying days when Oxygen is not getting to her brain and she is not responding. Its a roller coaster of nearly losing her over and over, to bringing the vitality back and greeting her with a smile ear to ear each morning. I cannot believe I am in my late 20s and am a parent to my childhood pup. She's been with me for over half of my life and I have an immense amount of documented personal experience in care-taking a senior with this terminal illness, as well as photos and videos to back it up. My only hope is that all of this can be of help to another Dog-parent out there who isn't ready to let go of their aging family member.

    Please, keep doing the work you are doing, this planet need more people like you. If you have the time please reach out to me on here or at my email: blacksprucegrizzly@gmail.com. I would like to prospect an idea to you.
    Mitakuye Oyasin,


  4. I've had a few pats over the years pass on and it Definately never gets easier, just harder. They are my family, and loosing one is just as hard as Loosing a human family member. Your sharing of your experience is so touching and appreciated. Thank you for all you do.

  5. Our first dog was a Yorkshire Terrier named Basil. We got him in my early teens and he helped me go through the awkwardness of adolescence and my older siblings growing up & moving home.Basil was my companion my best friend. I grew up and married in the time of his life. I was living in England when I got a call from my mother in Montreal Canada that Basil went missing while going for a pee in the garden, he was 13 years old at the time. Soon after my parents realised that Basil had been abducted after they received threats that the caller on the other end was going to kill and eat our dog. The police were not interested in investigating the many threats which followed. Eventually Basil was found with his ID tag embedded in his flattened body. His captors ran him over multiple times in a parking lot. To this very day I am overcome with intense loss of my best friend Basil and the horrible way in which this old faithful little chap ended his days in such cruelty. Your pug Horace reminded me of Basil it took only a few minutes of being distracted and he tragically lost his life. Thank you for sharing Dr. Jones.

  6. My first pet love was a Shih-Tsu named "Charmin." She lived to be 18 and died of old age in her sleep. My second was a long haired copper doxie named "Little Bear" who lived to be 17 and died in his sleep of old age. With each of them I framed a picture with a lock of their hair and their name tags. I now own a Rhodesian Ridgeback/English Mastiff cross and he is a 92 lb. cuddle bug named Jonah. He is a rescue dog that someone had shot and left in ditch. He is so gentle and such a joy! He is now 2 yrs. old. I hope he lives for a long time. He was a gift from my daughter after my husband passed away.

  7. My first dog was a present for my 1rst birthday, she was a little black and white Rat terrier, which i named Puppy. Dad made me a rocking chair to sit in and watch T.V. i sat on the floor and puppy sat in the chair. She loved car rides going fishing pick up a rod and she was at the door waiting to go. We visited my dads folks i was about 4, well Grampa said no dogs in the house, I said then i was sleeping in the car too. Puppy came in the house. We had 15 marvelous years. Till she passed away from cancer. The last few weeks my dad carried her in and out to do her job, we hand fed her. She no longer slept with me she slept in gramps's platform rocker . She hemorrage during the night and was gone when i got up the next morning.
    I am 68 now and there has been many more in my life, cats cows and horses to later on after we moved to the farm. Each lives in my heart and memories till I see them again .

  8. I understand how you feel about it because I have 9 nine year old cane corso female and she’s like my child and she’s is sick with a big tumor hanging on her belly and just thinking that she might die of it gets me so emotional and I pray to god that she’ll be here with me more time that I expect it because she’s my everything to me. God bless you doctor and keep your good job and kindness. Liz from Long Island NY thanks again

  9. over 30 years ago i still rembmer my first pet
    my first pet i rembmer is a cat i don't know what bread if it was a girl or boy i was about 5-6 years young
    later we give our cat to our grandma/grandpa to look after
    time went on till this day no-one talks about how long this cat lived to or how he died

  10. Hi Dr. Jones, as I watch this video, I remember my 1st Lamb, she used to come in my Grandma's house, following that slice of bread in my 4 year old back pocket. My parents put my lamb in the back of our 54 Chevy with my brother and me, little did I know my parents were taking my lamb to the slaughter house. I cried so bad, they got a Buck, that got me against the chicken coop and they slaughtered that one too. My first lamb I hope I see again in heaven along with all my dogs. I'm holding my 5 pound 3 oz long haired rescue Chi, the Love of my life. She had pancretitis, I took her to speciality Vet, they found gall bladder sludge and a swollen Pancretitis. It was a once a week return trip to recheck, re ultra sound. So after she was over pancretitis, I asked my regular Vet to remove the gallbladder. That was 2 Mondays ago, she said the Gallbladder was attached to the liver, so she had to peel it carefully free and seal the Liver with something Vets use. I asked for blood work last Tuesday, call me over cautious, but she wasn't active, ate half her low fat food. Her liver enzymes are at 500 and some, her platelets are HIGH and my Vet told the tech to"Tell me it's just "probably" from the surgery 2 weeks ago." I've got an appointment with the speciality Vet again Monday, I can't live with "probably's", this little dog means more than the roof I badly need on my little house. I love her as much as that little Lamb, but I could not save my lamb I'm trying this time to save my Brie. Your little Pug and the sadness you still have, shows great empathy and kindness, you are a Good Vet and your Government has no clue what they did to you. Don't ever change Dr. Jones, you have many followers who look forward to the next story, the next treatment the next video!

  11. we had alot of animals but my very first animal that was really mine was a tabby female cat her name was tigger she was my baby and when she had her first litter i was so happy i was going to be a mom with her she loved with me for along time i had my own 2 kids when she was still around

  12. A similar incident led to the loss of our first dog ‘Trixie’ she was a Labrador/Corgi mix, sweet, beautiful nature. She’d retired and lived up on our front veranda. However some people came out to inspect our property and she was run over by a car. I even remember when they raced up to tell us I couldn’t believe that she’d ventured down to have a sniff and thought they meant one of my Dad’s working dogs. Not our darling ♥️.
    I could howl now recalling this and my sympathies and heart goes out to all who have lost a special member of their family.

  13. My first pet (all have been dogs) was the result of an illicit love affair between a Maltese male and a Poodle female. Shorty, bless his sweet heart, wasn’t the sharpest blade in the tool shed, but he was my constant companion for nearly 20 years. My dad always said it should be against the law to raise a kid without a dog, but maybe the word “dog” should be replaced with “pet”.
    Love your channel, and all the helpful hints and home remedies you pass along to us. 🥰

  14. My first dog passed when I was 16. Back then they didn’t have heartworm prevention and the treatment was a shot every day for a month. After the 2 time he got heartworm and 2 full treatments, we couldn’t put him through it a third time. He was such a sweet fat terrier mix with red hair and a beard. Our friends called him a wired haired watermelon. I remember him with love and smiles. I’m sorry you lost your pug pup the way you did. 😢

  15. I’ve lost many people in life but I have to say there are certain pets that the pain is much deeper, not sure why, must be the connection. Thanks for sharing yet again, that you are an extremely amazing human!:-(

  16. I remember my first pet and it was a heart jerker when he passed away it was a little black dog that I found and I was in elementary school and we didn't have a fenced yard so I put it in the neighbor's backyard but making sure he can get out after I walk to school. Well he got out while I was walking and he was looking for me and I hid in the bushes. I didn't want him to follow me the school, but when I saw him get close to the street I called his name so he wouldn't go out there and get hit by a car. Well that's scared him and he went further into the street and got hit by a car. They stopped said they were sorry and all I saw as a little girl was this little dog wagging its tail for me and lying beside the road dying. I ran and told the neighbor lady she said go to school and she would take care of it. I blocked it Out of My Head by the time I gotten out of school I went home and life went on. Nothing was mentioned about the little dog because my parents didn't even know I was hiding him. I assume the neighbor took him to the vet and had him put down. I'm sorry about your pug. I would love to have had horses as a child. And that picture of you with your cat is Just Simply Adorable💜

  17. Oh nooo Doctor Jones😩that was an awful loss and for sure will always remain a photographic memory sorry. I fell bad like this just happened and imagining the fear and pain he experienced, but at least you know that the great memories are preferable and am sure he brought you so much joy,gave you so many reasons to laugh etc ,Pugs are just so cute to me so weather smart or not I would love to love on one.

    Oh by the way your Dad made a wonderful choice I think 😀just additional excitement to the farm, thanks so much for sharing very nice family and farm.

  18. My first pet was also a pug named Maya.a piece of my soul is with her still and I look forward to seeing her again when I pass.
    Thank you for caring so much about our animals God Bless You!

  19. My 1st Pet was a mix Dobbie & Shepard named Ring. He was a very gentile dog and protective of me.
    He had a large tumor on the top of his paw. The vet said he needed to be put down. I don’t know if that was the best choice. It was over 50 years ago.
    I have lost cats & one special Cockatoo.
    I love your channel am a mega animal lover
    I am concerned about traditional vets who no nothing about holistic care
    I have 8 cockatoos a grey a Meyers ringneck & sun conure. Two cats rag doll & Siamese. My pension check goes for food, bottled water, toys and treats.
    My Siamese several months ago got a sore. And they told me to use a injection antibiotic. I don’t recall the name but it’s very dangerous and has killed cats. Said to remain in system for a few months
    It was at that time I first watched your vid. Followed your instructions but sadly took her to the vet
    Since then she’s been different can’t explain it. She is very spoiled likes the best food and does like to be spoon fed I think because she saw me spoon feed some of my birds just spoiling them
    You are s great vet and a caring person
    Thanks for being YOU!

  20. Dr. Jones,
    Thanks for the video! I have owned GSD's for 4o yrs. If my dog was hit by a vehicle (speaking as an adult, which I know you were just a kid when this terrible thing happened) I would feel that it was 100% my fault. Anyone who has a pet is as responsible for it as if it was a child, in my opinion.

    You had such a beautiful homestead in which to grow up!

    Your suggestion about cumin 95% has done wonder for my dog. My dog is so much more content, and I do not get woken in the middle of the night with her intense itching thanks to you. Connie

  21. Thanks for that story. So sad you lost your pet pug that day. It seems to be nothing more sad than losing someone dear to you, and especially a precious pet that you’ve become so attached to. Reflecting on my past pets and my current ones, I don’t look forward to the day that the ones I have now pass on. It is really hard to let go of creature that looks up to you, depends on you all the time and has their own kind of love. I have a few sad stories, and I wish I knew then what I am learning and know now. By the way, I started your Ultimate Canine Health Formula on my medium sized 7yo mutt yesterday. He eats it up, enjoys the flavor and I’m happy to finally try something I am comfortable buying for my dog. Thank you so much!

  22. I'm nearly 62 and have had literally dozens and dozens of pets, especially in my childhood, because they were outdoor animals and did not live very long. When I became an adult and married I kept our pets indoors and they lived relatively long lives. This was a terrible week for me because we had to put down our beloved little Curly Girl, a 9 year old Bichon Frise. She developed kidney disease that progressed rather rapidly and she had lost so much weight because eating made her sick or food made her nauseated. So it was under the skin hydration twice a day for maybe a week or so, but the end would still be the same. I see her everywhere, on everything and am having a real hard time with her being gone. Before, I worked and that helped my mind to stay focused on other things, but now that I stay at home – it is so painful that I just can't seem to focus on anything happy ! They really do take a piece of your heart when they go !

  23. My first pet was a beautiful German Shepherd named Hobo…. I was my protector he would not allow anyone to harm me… I was very young about five years old… Hobo was so gentle with me. We lived in Saskatchewan at the time and got a lot of snow in the winter… I would have a huge parka on and I would run by Hobo and he would grab the front of my parka and toss me in the snow bank and I would laugh…. He was so careful. I would sleep against on the floor when I watched TV. My dads dad told my parents that that dog would hurt me one that! (TOTAL BULLSHIT) and they should get rid of him… I have no idea why they listened to him…. A retired RCMP got Hobo because he was so beautiful and well trained… I was devastated and never really forgave my grandpa for suggesting that… I got guinea pigs after that…. Started with two and ended up with twelve LOL …… I think my parents wish they would have kept the dog! I still my my Hobo! 🙁

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