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This is so helpful! I love watching your videos! I learned how to do cpr from your videos which ended up saving my dogs life! I appreciate your videos so much. Thank you!
It’s my biggest fear bc I’m a single pet parent.
Toula is, I'm afraid, very injured. She's so-oo injured. You can see her getting more injured-er by the minute. Oh no. It's her tummy. And her back leg. They're both very injured so do those things you do for poor injured tummies and injured back legs. Poor Toula. She's so clever showing you exactly where those injured injuries are. She's just the bravest. Didn't make a sound. Except maybe,"Do that again, Dad. That's fixing all my injuries… especially when you cuddle me in the blanket for a lo-ong while.. I may not be better for a couple of days, though… there might be another injury… somewhere… in my elbows I think…"
❤️ thank you!
I love how patience your little dog has. She is so calm. 💕
Just stumbled upon your channel. Totally love you, but your dog is the hero of the show. He/she has survived all these maladies and still is your trooper.
where have u beeen
Your dog is having an allergic reaction to being hit by a car?
My daughters dog was hit, she is healed, but has anxiety on walks. How do you deal with that?
Thank you for this. My dog, Sam, got out one evening and while I was trying to get him out of the street, some a-hole came speeding down a residential street, hit my dog and drove away. Thank God the driver behind him stopped and helped me get him into my car. I called the emergency vet hospital on the way. Sam’s front paws weren’t able to move. They sent him home the next day – crippled.
I spent the next two days researching the Internet for dogs with similar injuries. There was a dog in Australia with the same injuries as Sam, and they were able to fix her with acupuncture! But there was a very short window for this to work, so I called every vet in the area to find an acupuncturist. Finally found one. Had to BEG for him to be seen within the timeframe he needed (the Receptionist took pity on Sam and me). After one treatment, Sam was able to lift his paws again, and walk! It was a miracle!
I was sitting on the floor holding Sam’s head, in case the treatment hurt him, but it didn’t seem to bother him at all! As I tried to stand up, I lost my balance, and fell, catching myself with my right hand. Unfortunately, when I stood up and looked at my hand, my middle and ring fingers looked dislocated, pointing Northeast, while two uninjured fingers point due North. I just thought that looks weird, and used left hand to right those two fingers due North as well.
They were really hurting, but I was so happy about Sam, I didn’t care.
By the time I drove back home and got him in the house, my fingers were really swollen and turning purple, and off to the hospital I went. Turns out I’d broken both fingers at the knuckles!
Sam was great walking from that day forward, while I had to keep a splint on for 6 weeks. I wouldn’t have had it any other way!
You are literally the best source of information being shared by medical professionals, on YouTube. Your love for the well-being of living beings is unsurpassed (including MDs). Thank you for humbly and generously educating us with the knowledge you spent decades to learn. Sincerely,
Does this go for cats too🥺?
Tula is the best! 🥰
Thank you so much for this information Dr. Jones. My dog had gotten run over by a bicyclist. He had a huge gash on his head, I’m assuming from the pedal. My dog was in shock. The bicyclist never even stopped. But my Binky recovered. I did rush him to the vet ❤️
SUCH A HELPFUL VIDEO. Please consider doing more emergency care videos. So important. Thanks so much.
Thanks. Knowing what steps we can take, and acting on it may stop us overly panicking too. They're such a worry. My cat injured his paw, he's having an x ray in the morning. My last cat lived most of her life with 3 legs (she was over 20 years old when she died) So I know it's not the end of the world, though Im praying it doesnt come to that, he's only 11 months. His name is Claude, he's a lovely boy, He comes on walks with me and the dog. Any prayers that his treatment goes well are appreciated
Thank you.
Just had to the heimlich maneuver on my little dog the other night.
I’ve had to do it on people but this was a first for me.
Enjoy your videos.
Is raw honey okay for dogs or no?
My english is not really good. What was the last tip? Can you guys text here so I can translate it .
Your dog just lays right there lol!
I love that you reply so quickly!
Thank you so MUCH
Hey, Doc. You advised laying her down on her right side, but it seems that you've laid her on her left side. Would you mind clarifying which is correct? Thanks
The dog is extremely well behaved
I love you so much for this!
Thank you.