My NEW Dog Health and Nutrition Webinar: Hannah Witton’s Channel: … Check on YouTube
37 Commentaires
I can’t wait to try these remedies. My rescue Papillon came to me with a brain tumor and hydrocephilitis. His primary seizures are under control, but the fly biting syndrome continues to get worse. I’m trying to find remedies for the fly biting because I can tell he’s very distressed when they occur. When it gets bad, I give him gabapentin to sedate him a bit and that helps. But I’d like to find a more natural way of treating this. I already ordered and used Dr. Jones’s CBD oil, but it didn’t have any effect on this dog.
Just want to say thank you I am going to try the things you said for the seizure and hoping that my dog gets better he is a service dog and I don't know what I'm going to do without him I just don't know thanks keep making videos
My dog is sick. His walk is wobbly everytime and everyday since yesterday he always has seizures. His saliva is dripping. He is 10 yrs old. What could be the problem? Is it his heart?
I understand this vid is three years old but have a question. You recommend Alpha-Lipoic Acid of 10 mg per 10 lbs of pup weight. I have not been able to locate any small dose capsules. Do I just open a 200 msg capsule and guess at 10mg? I have 2 pups, plus lol me, who need it. Both pups less than 15lbs. Please advise.
Could i have a quick call with you to discuss my dogs seizures and the meds she just started started as I don’t like the phenobarbital drugs the vet gave us a week ago
Dr. Andrew Jones : A friend dog trainer of mine recommended Melatonin for seizures on dogs, and it works. I rescued a stray dog, and on Mother's day night he had approximately 11 seizures. I called my friend and I have him 10 mg of Melatonin I bought at Walmart pharmacy and it worked. Also, he is happy and alert. He is approximately 40 pounds in weight.
Hello! My dog has been taking phenobarbitals for 4 days now is it okay to stop it and switch to MCT oil !! But my problem is my MCT will be delivered after 15days. Pls reply i'm desperate
I found out my dog has epilepsy and she was pregnant when i found out.😥she had 5 puppies and although they are very beautiful they aren't standing up and they all have the gremers or the shakes. What can i do to help my Mama dog and her babies?
Thank you for bringing up CBD oil as my vet just told me it was bollucks but I don't want to give my dog a zombifying medicine that will also destroy her insides and personality
Hi Dr Jones. From Johannesburg, South Africa. Our precious 2 year old Siberian Husky just starting having seizures. 3rd time last night, with 4 in a row. Full bloods at the vet, all 100% okay. Must we try all 5 remedies at once?
Do you think any of these supplements would help a dog that sustained a tbi and is now diagnosed with epilepsy? Of course I'm going to be talking to my home vet but just trying to gather information while I wait.
Thank you Dr. Andrew you are truly a Blessing seeing how you truly care about God's smaller creatures. I have a 13 yr. old Yorkie female that had seizures about a year ago. I took her to the vet and after a series of labs was diagnosed with seizures and was put on Zonisamide capsules 25 mg. I don't have a clear understanding if she's supposed to be on the Zonisamide the rest of her life. I feel bad giving her a chemical daily. She weighs about 11 lbs and will turn 14 May 8th. She's healthy and has not had any seizures at all after starting the medicine. I have t watch the rest of your videos on this subject I have been watching so many of your beautifully done videos on many other subjects. Much love and 🙏 respect.
All these medicine have to be given together or any one of it ? I am giving phenobarbitol to her from last 5 days twice and there is no improvement and slowly she can not stand up and walk plz help .she is having chewing gum seizers from last 2 weeks
My mac is 40 days old and having seizures and the place where I’m in right now don’t have a proper vet I cannot travel cause of Covid idk what to do he been crying a lot
I love your channel. Thank you. My dog has kidney disease and he is older. He only recently started seizing. I feed him low protein diet and make his food. I do add coconut oil in his food but how much for a 60# dog? Would you recommend I buy the MCT oil and augment? Same with fish oil. I feed him shrimp and just a little bit of salmon. Shall I get the supplement? O do notice his skin is soft and no longer dry under his chin
Hey doc, I need some info. My lil' friend is 15 now, and started small seizures in April of 2020. Just teeth chomping and head shaking. I've been giving C8 MCT oil for a little over 10 months. Before that her liver enzymes were high with ALT's slightly elevated but high ALP's(as high as 1800, but gradually coming down to 600). AST and GGT are normal. Can the liver handle the MCT? Also, according to the LDDS test in May 2020, she has pituitary related cushings, so that might cause the high numbers. Last night a more severe seizure happened(the head out and swimming thing). First time that happened. CBD oil helped calm it, but she was uncoordinated for 1-1/2 hours or so. Signs point to brain tumor. Will MCT oil help that? She's been getting 1 tspn usually every day. Thanks, and thank you for the videos.
I have a dog that i rescued that was living under a truck in a cardboard box with her brother after their mom died theyre 10 weeks old the brother looked less healthier than the sister i took them to the vet they where fine vet checked and vaccinated first time i let them outside after being bottle fed and vaccinated the sister had siezures for hrs so i took her to the vet and he took her blood gave her shots and said she has epilepsy i gave her the pills the dr gave for it and after 2 days i realized she was fine i put her put yesterday and she started seizing again what is wrong with her
I bought some cbd oil for my dog a few Sundays ago cause he started having seisures…the holisticy vet yesterday said no more t cause it is toxic to their liver…
I really really didn't want to put my baby boy on manmade meds. But after his 9th seizure on all natural treatment, I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I put him on the generic form of Keppra (which is Leviteracetam) over a year ago and he hasn't had ONE seizure since! Not ALL manmade meds are bad. This experience has really changed the way I think of the topic.
I can’t wait to try these remedies. My rescue Papillon came to me with a brain tumor and hydrocephilitis. His primary seizures are under control, but the fly biting syndrome continues to get worse. I’m trying to find remedies for the fly biting because I can tell he’s very distressed when they occur. When it gets bad, I give him gabapentin to sedate him a bit and that helps. But I’d like to find a more natural way of treating this. I already ordered and used Dr. Jones’s CBD oil, but it didn’t have any effect on this dog.
Just want to say thank you I am going to try the things you said for the seizure and hoping that my dog gets better he is a service dog and I don't know what I'm going to do without him I just don't know thanks keep making videos
CBD oil I used right away. Works great!
My dog is sick. His walk is wobbly everytime and everyday since yesterday he always has seizures. His saliva is dripping. He is 10 yrs old. What could be the problem? Is it his heart?
i love your videos!! i would like some clarification , am i choosing 1 of the remedies or all 5 of the remedies?
Thank you for the best advice ever💕
I understand this vid is three years old but have a question. You recommend Alpha-Lipoic Acid of 10 mg per 10 lbs of pup weight. I have not been able to locate any small dose capsules. Do I just open a 200 msg capsule and guess at 10mg? I have 2 pups, plus lol me, who need it. Both pups less than 15lbs. Please advise.
Could i have a quick call with you to discuss my dogs seizures and the meds she just started started as I don’t like the phenobarbital drugs the vet gave us a week ago
Dr. Andrew Jones : A friend dog trainer of mine recommended Melatonin for seizures on dogs,
and it works. I rescued a stray dog, and on Mother's day night he had approximately 11 seizures. I called my friend and I have him 10 mg of Melatonin I bought at Walmart pharmacy and it worked. Also, he is happy and alert. He is approximately 40 pounds in weight.
Hi there! Can phenobarbital make your normally friendly dog aggressive? Thank you.
Hello! My dog has been taking phenobarbitals for 4 days now is it okay to stop it and switch to MCT oil !!
But my problem is my MCT will be delivered after 15days. Pls reply i'm desperate
Would you try all of these with 3 meds or even 2 we are transitioning onto a new one and off another
Can you use all of these everyday?
I found out my dog has epilepsy and she was pregnant when i found out.😥she had 5 puppies and although they are very beautiful they aren't standing up and they all have the gremers or the shakes. What can i do to help my Mama dog and her babies?
Thank you for bringing up CBD oil as my vet just told me it was bollucks but I don't want to give my dog a zombifying medicine that will also destroy her insides and personality
What brand of MCT Oil is that? The link doesn’t work. Can they take MCT Oil and CBD Oil together?
Hi Dr Jones. From Johannesburg, South Africa. Our precious 2 year old Siberian Husky just starting having seizures. 3rd time last night, with 4 in a row. Full bloods at the vet, all 100% okay. Must we try all 5 remedies at once?
Do you think any of these supplements would help a dog that sustained a tbi and is now diagnosed with epilepsy? Of course I'm going to be talking to my home vet but just trying to gather information while I wait.
Thank you Dr. Andrew you are truly a Blessing seeing how you truly care about God's smaller creatures. I have a 13 yr. old Yorkie female that had seizures about a year ago. I took her to the vet and after a series of labs was diagnosed with seizures and was put on Zonisamide capsules 25 mg. I don't have a clear understanding if she's supposed to be on the Zonisamide the rest of her life. I feel bad giving her a chemical daily. She weighs about 11 lbs and will turn 14 May 8th. She's healthy and has not had any seizures at all after starting the medicine. I have t watch the rest of your videos on this subject I have been watching so many of your beautifully done videos on many other subjects. Much love and 🙏 respect.
Tky Doc 🐶 ❤
Cbd oil works my cat had a brain tumor and was having seizures and I put a few drops of cbd oil on his skin and it helped in almost 10 minutes.
Dr. Jones, is the MTC oil ok to give a diabetic dog that also suffers with pancreatitis?
All these medicine have to be given together or any one of it ? I am giving phenobarbitol to her from last 5 days twice and there is no improvement and slowly she can not stand up and walk plz help .she is having chewing gum seizers from last 2 weeks
My mac is 40 days old and having seizures and the place where I’m in right now don’t have a proper vet I cannot travel cause of Covid idk what to do he been crying a lot
Just bought some for my Dogs……As one of my Dogs has just had a Stroke
I love your channel. Thank you. My dog has kidney disease and he is older. He only recently started seizing. I feed him low protein diet and make his food. I do add coconut oil in his food but how much for a 60# dog? Would you recommend I buy the MCT oil and augment? Same with fish oil. I feed him shrimp and just a little bit of salmon. Shall I get the supplement? O do notice his skin is soft and no longer dry under his chin
Hey doc,
I need some info. My lil' friend is 15 now, and started small seizures in April of 2020. Just teeth chomping and head shaking. I've been giving C8 MCT oil for a little over 10 months. Before that her liver enzymes were high with ALT's slightly elevated but high ALP's(as high as 1800, but gradually coming down to 600). AST and GGT are normal. Can the liver handle the MCT? Also, according to the LDDS test in May 2020, she has pituitary related cushings, so that might cause the high numbers. Last night a more severe seizure happened(the head out and swimming thing). First time that happened. CBD oil helped calm it, but she was uncoordinated for 1-1/2 hours or so. Signs point to brain tumor. Will MCT oil help that? She's been getting 1 tspn usually every day. Thanks, and thank you for the videos.
I would never let an animal on my counter or table. I know you love your animals, but this is not very sanitary.
Nonseizuring Tula 😍
Would MCT OIL be good for cats with seizures also?
I have a dog that i rescued that was living under a truck in a cardboard box with her brother after their mom died theyre 10 weeks old the brother looked less healthier than the sister i took them to the vet they where fine vet checked and vaccinated first time i let them outside after being bottle fed and vaccinated the sister had siezures for hrs so i took her to the vet and he took her blood gave her shots and said she has epilepsy i gave her the pills the dr gave for it and after 2 days i realized she was fine i put her put yesterday and she started seizing again what is wrong with her
I bought some cbd oil for my dog a few Sundays ago cause he started having seisures…the holisticy vet yesterday said no more t cause it is toxic to their liver…
Thank you big help formy beagle e has sizzure
I really really didn't want to put my baby boy on manmade meds. But after his 9th seizure on all natural treatment, I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I put him on the generic form of Keppra (which is Leviteracetam) over a year ago and he hasn't had ONE seizure since!
Not ALL manmade meds are bad. This experience has really changed the way I think of the topic.
My dog is 120 lbs. it sounds like I’d be giving him a ton of the oil and omega-3
Bria loved the CBD oil and she had a happier life .We would be lost with out Dr Jones Expert knowledge. Thank you .
Please pray for my dog he has been seizures condition please pray for them 😭😭🙏🙏