33 Commentaires

  1. " Dude, there's like, so many of them… Like to.. T-O, T-O-O….. Ya know..? Errr Isn't there another one?? "

    ALMOST DIED with laughter…..

  2. Someone in the instant chat said people in GB/Australia have a different vernacular so basically they sound different and it has nothing to do with accent, that's not 100 it's actually both.

  3. The stuff I used to grow would stick to your finger even if you shook your hand really hard for 5 seconds. If you broke up the bud with your fingers the joint would rip when you try to let go of it. It was like super glue.

  4. and about the sativa indica ruderalis que.. equitorial sativas grow between 0 and 30 degrees north and south latitude, indicas grow between 30 and 50 degrees latitude and ruderalis grow above 50 degrees latitude. sativas take longer because along the equator summers are very long and sativas can sometimes grow as a indeterminate rather than determinate like indicas. the indica has a shorter season and the flower period reflects that. Cannabis Ruderalis grows so far north and the summers are so short that it does not respond to light schedule which is where we get the auto flower genes from. altitude also plays a role in morphology and flower times..

  5. guys your show is getting better ! i liked how you talked about the quality of flower and were pretty honest about it, you gotta be faster with your stories tho, even if the story is fucked (biggie)lol gotta keep that flow going… love how you guys are still in the game and i am really looking forward to more shows…you gotta do a paranormal show, like throw some UFO samsquamch shit in there lol and definitely don't hold back when i comes to how you feel about weed the industry and life.
    1 fam 1 love and be strong….
    Ewan from Hamilton Ontario Can.

  6. i live in Canada and our Govt has royally fucked up our roll-out of rec cannabis. It is poor quality, pricy and u need internet access and a credit card right now in order to purchase the Govt cannabis.
    There is many other issues too, including they say it could be 1.5 years before the backlog will be straightened out.

  7. From Oregon here, coincidentally haha- but I think that with the testing labs, it just comes down to the simple fact that it is way more about profit than science. I think they probably just don't care how accurate it is.

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