23 Commentaires

  1. The sun directly wont come in my balcony but the light comes behind one more bulding is their so i cant get direct sun but the sun lite will come till morning 7am to 4pm so does by plant grow im germinating the seeds of whit widow will it works ??

  2. I use some pretty cheap led lights 40 bucks each and run 6 plants in a closet 2 autos and 4 photos u can't clone autos btw its pointless since no matter what they will flower after a certain amount of time ur clones will start flowering before they take root

  3. growing on a budget take a closet put a lamp up open the door if cant afford a inline fan boom DONE. Dont lisen to this nonsense this guy give . reflective wall is nice to have not need to have or paint it white

  4. wtf so you tell people to buy auto seed then you tell them they can save money on making clone how the fuck do you want people to make clone of auto when the cloen will flower at the same time as the mother plant you took it from come on

  5. If you want to keep a clone of an auto flower strain. You must buy or make colloidal silver at 60 ppm or above. Selecting a lower branch and then spraying it regularly from the very moment you can isolate and spray it from the point of germination. Then you will want to keep this one plant completely separate from all others. In order to make your own S1 or clone seeds of that particular strain.
    The only issue with doing this with auto flowers in particular. Is you have no certainty as to whether this strain will produce buds that are identical to the previous plant you knew and loved to smoke. Since their are only a handful of true landrace strains of ruderalis or autoflower strain and given the fact that even tested genetics. Have a hard time getting 100% consistent results. Especially in the case of terpenes and especially those strains that produce purple colors. The one true ruderalis autoflower strain is recessive against becoming purple. So making clone seeds is a guaranteed way of keeping this one auto phenotype.
    However this is a method best used on a photo period plant. Because you can grow it to maturity and before flowering while in veg. You can cut clones in advance and with these clones being kept completely isolated from the host that is now in flower. You can anilize the bud formations of the host or mother plant and if this phenotype is one you selected to make seeds. Then and only then can you be certain of what will become of the seeds you make.
    Take wedding cake by seedsman for instance. It was the 2018 cannabis cup winner and the seeds they sale of this strain are S1. Which means they are exact clone copies of the orginal plant that won the cannabis cup and in my opinion the best seed they make and sale.
    Doing this yourself at home takes up time and additional space and effort. However you can make thousands of cloned seeds that you never have to but again. Just keep in mind that a S1 plant will be more prone to becoming hermaphrodites over time. So as long as you don't mind having or keeping an eye out for this with tweezers in hand to pluck the bananas before they open. Then have at it friends and happy growing.

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