43 Commentaires

  1. ooo josh has a new toy! I've never hit a nectar collectar either. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it after heavy use. Think I could twist your arm into doing an all around review of it? Cheers Josh!!

  2. new camera? new camera settings? new lights? whatever it is, it looks bomb dude. And the nectar collecter looks bomb as well. Hope you had a super stony 7/10!!!!!

  3. dope piece bro…I'm here in Washington state smoking on some white widow or ima bout to, just picked up today and yah im super stoked cuz I've never tried white widow but yah peace and cheers man! @StrainCentral (Cannabis Reviews and Smoke Sessions)

  4. Yesterday my homey and I killed off the rest of my Blue Diesel shatter and moved onto some Jack the Ripper, tokin in Portland.  

    We actually smoked 2 (TWO!!!) flower bowls because another friend stopped by and doesn't dab.  Felt sacrilegious hahahah.  Strain was Cinex on that.

  5. So what the hell are you supposed to do with it when you are done smoking?
    I noticed you held it the entire time, does it not have any sort of stand or support?

  6. Hey josh, happy 710! Smoking on some Girl Scout Cookies Rosin i made. The quaity is so clear when i press this strain, its insane. Hope your week is going well man. Stay high and cheers!

  7. Nice honey straw, I remember seeing one with an e-nail and another that had a stand that acted as a rig. Like you would take the nail off and put the honeystraw in the stand that has a 14mm male joint for whatever nail you wana use. Those are preeeety cool. Happy 7/10 fam!

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