30 Commentaires

  1. Have you a recipe to help dogs from shedding hair by any chance. Especially for a dog called Spot who leaves her hair EVERYWHERE and doesnt care less about it either 😄. I would be very grateful if you had a remedy for me looking like an abominable snowman every time I go out. THANKS x

  2. Hi can you do a video on a cat that has one third eye lid protruding from truma or fighting we are giving him eye oilment, pain relief (for 5 days) and antibotics, its been almost a week and the third eye lid it is still protruding the vet said there was nothing in his eye but it should tuck back in by it self?

  3. I have a cat that pees in the litter box and then pees anywhere else once a day and it has been happening for 10 months and she doesn't want to stop. We took her to vets and they told us it's a behavior thing not a medical thing so we don't know what to do (this started when we got our third cat)
    I have another cat that keeps biting the third cat really badly and he is almost a 1 year old cat and we don't know what to do to make him stop and my mom is considering getting rid of him. Please of you have any solutions or tips on these please tell me

  4. Hello im Amie galve from mandaue Philippines im waching your tube ..i wanna ask help for you about my cat kiki.i have a problem to his chin line down to his neck .it is swollen and soft to touch and there's yellow liquid coming out and he feel an easy and he always scratch it..i put amoxicillin capsule spread on it to make it help …what do you think his disease?i dont have money to go to vet.. i try to message you hoping you can help me…thank and hope you received my message God blessed to you doc..

  5. I have 2 cats so I know about shedding. They aren't that bad though. I feed them Purina One senstive systems dry food and good canned food. I use coconut on them if they scratch themselves which helps the boo boo heal quickly and sometimes run it on their fur when brushing them which they hate when I put that on them but their hair looks so shiny after. Murray is not happy with the spray lol. Mine would give me a slap lol. I thought aloe vera was toxic for cats?

  6. SDMA My Colony Cat that I decided to keep, after taking her to the Shelter that I'm working with, she is gonna be 8 in Oct and in not the best shape. I had her Spayed and Immunized and I'm not planning on any more Immunizations. Then she met her own Holistic Vet we did a Senior Blood Panel, without Urine Sample. Her bladder is small and was empty. The next day though the blood work showed SDMA (of course) so back to try and grab Urine with success! Urine was Good! She does also have a 2-3 Heart Murmur. Should I be concerned? Momma was 7 pounds 5 mos ago and now is a Healthy 9 pounds! I feel so proud needless to say. I had her Groomed and her Fur is looking much more healthier and she now loves my 10 Year old Rat Terrier Maxi! They are now Friends. Thanks Dr. Jones

  7. I have 3 long haired Maine Coon cats. Only 1 doesn’t like brushing. He gets matting and I know it’s uncomfortable for him, so he goes to the groomer for a lion cut. He tolerates it well. We feed them Purina Pro Plan wet and dry food. Our other 2 have beautiful coats with minimal brushing.

  8. What about dogs, I have 5.,…well now 4 I just had one pass away last week unexpectedly,😭💔 but anyway with all the shedding you could make another dog with it

  9. I use the Ultimate feline supplement and my cats my older cat gets supplement plus cbd oil. One of my cats has to loose weight hopefully you will address this topic in your webinar looking forward to it.

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