With the exception of last minute drug testing (or drug testing with a very small window), passing a drug test is simple. It’s all about … Check on YouTube
The other day I bought a joint for $20. I smoked the whole thing. I got so fucked up I could barely make it home. Took me 5 minutes to get my key in the door. Couldn't keep my balance. I've never been that wasted from pot. It achieved it's purpose but I won't be doing that again. Dispensary give it out way too easily. I could of got really hurt.
your research is on the illicit trade which is full-blown THC. In studies, the Cbd and THC balanced is what it should be. Left to the illicit trade has created this perversion of a mighty fine plant. Until more smoke, this balanced weed only then can you really say what it can and can't do. 1000 + applications at least for cannabis. so overall it's the most beneficial to people and the environment of all the plants on this planet. Energy-efficient homes, less deforestation as woods as strong as steel can be produced, carbon negative, air scrubber, paper (major polluter) biofuels, plastics, clothing, fibers, animal feeds, superfoods, 85 cellulose to choose from, even a battery with graphene from cannabis. your study is rather small considering the applications. even ironically kevlar like armor too for fire, police and army lol
Cannabis eating is alot heathier than smoking
The other day I bought a joint for $20. I smoked the whole thing. I got so fucked up I could barely make it home. Took me 5 minutes to get my key in the door. Couldn't keep my balance. I've never been that wasted from pot. It achieved it's purpose but I won't be doing that again. Dispensary give it out way too easily. I could of got really hurt.
Legalize the cannabis. This government is what's dangerous. Just remember the DEA kills people, not a flower.
your research is on the illicit trade which is full-blown THC. In studies, the Cbd and THC balanced is what it should be. Left to the illicit trade has created this perversion of a mighty fine plant. Until more smoke, this balanced weed only then can you really say what it can and can't do. 1000 + applications at least for cannabis. so overall it's the most beneficial to people and the environment of all the plants on this planet. Energy-efficient homes, less deforestation as woods as strong as steel can be produced, carbon negative, air scrubber, paper (major polluter) biofuels, plastics, clothing, fibers, animal feeds, superfoods, 85 cellulose to choose from, even a battery with graphene from cannabis. your study is rather small considering the applications. even ironically kevlar like armor too for fire, police and army lol
Thank you my friend for sharing this information