9 Commentaires

  1. hi i have no criminal history and was recently caught shoplifting $171 worth if items,a misdameanor(located in Georgia btw)I have court january 12th, can i do a diversion program and not go to court

  2. I was arrested on the 4rth of July for being in possession of a piece of doweling for self-defense, (the 22210 charge). I live on the streets alone and was at my 'bivvy' that morning, (a tarpauline pulled over me and my stuff), when the officers arrived at 7:11am and detained me under the pretense of Trespassing charges, (I just started playing SuperLotto again). They then went through my trailer/stroller and found the piece of doweling and put me under arrest. I readily admitted I had it for self-defense. But, these officers were also trying to act like I was to blame for something, as opposed to me being 'the victim' in the circumstance, as I've been continuously calling them about 646.9 issues that they've been dismissing and 'blackballing' me over, which was the reason I was parked where I was with a piece of doweling for self-defense, (and, originally, I was encroached on and assaulted with Chlamydia, back in 2008, by a jailbird gang of theirs, and they denied the assault at that time and over the years have denied me reports around the Healthcare Fraud that's come about as a result, as well as the continued 646.9 issues from the jailbird gang that continues shadowing me), …

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