34 Commentaires

  1. Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://pl.go-ga.me/rgdoc5hl
    Get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
    Make sure to check out the DrewIsStreaming channel

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  2. I wonder if Long Covid counts? There's no treatment for it, no-one knows what can be done to help (because we don't yet know what exactly is going on with it) but something to take off the edge would be amazing. CBD has helped somewhat so thinking actual cannabis could be good. Might give one of the cannabis clinics a call to see what they say.

  3. Honestly just as long as we’re not at risk of being arrested or our bud took off us I’m not too bothered yes I might be in a more fortunate financial situation than some but still, most people are not going to want to be buying people weed out their taxes I’m happy to but I smoke it more people won’t

  4. Hey all hope yous are all good I am looking into getting my can card as I have IBD and Diverticular and I get mad spasms but I also have really high blood pressure and I was just wondering before I started going through all of the process dose anyone know if I would still be able to get a private description any help of information would be much appreciated guys and thanks for you videos bud love them keep them coming bud

  5. Within 6 years its going to be fully legal with the loss of tax from petrol tax they need to find it from somewhere else what better way then to legalise weed how many businesses would be created and jobs perfect way to recover from covid

  6. I'm in receipt of a flower prescription for my Severe Complex Combat Specific PTSD.

    It costs me £300 a month for my prescription of 20THC flower thru Saphire clinics.

    2 X 30g @ £150 every 15 days (2Z a month).
    Saphire clinic is a research clinic and in return for filling in standard electronic health questions they wave the cost of providing the repeat prescription.
    A lot of companies charge £50-£70 just to produce your repeat prescription and send it to the pharmacy who then charge you for the product.
    I've found the police very accepting of it and have been pulled in a few of the regular late night drink/drug drive traps in our area and as soon as I tell them I'm legal they are fine, I've only had to show my prescription tub once.
    Charlie 🇬🇧

  7. I'm getting so high and binge watching All ur video's mate.. I've travelled around the world to different Canna club's.👌
    Looking for ways to stop smoking joints before I die in julember" according to the Drs ..im going underground to hide fm my grandkids…binging Drew420 style..✌pppeace stoner fam fm somwer nr Preston 🎶💨💨

  8. People can take bottles of methadone home or walk the streets with it and nothing hardly ever gets said about controlling it more even though deaths are common ✌️

  9. Thanks for spreading awareness of this subject, my epilepsy is bad and effects all aspects of my life. Seizures can ruin my whole day and have in the past stopped me from being able to work. Yet I'm still being denied the access to medical cannabis. I'm not sure how they even measure the level of severity with epilepsy. Hopefully this will be sorted soon!

  10. I’m a full time lone parent and a medical cannabis patient and it cripples me each month for my medication costs. But it’s what works and has worked for my illness since around 2012. Great videos Drew keep up the good work.

  11. it's all about funding. There is a deference in the NHS to the ironically named NICE. Whose mandate is to exclude treatments where cost-effectiveness and efficacy has not been shown in double-blind placebo controlled peer-reviewed UK trials for their diagnosed conditions. NICE is full of geriatric hence extremely conservative medics who are reticent in using any international research in their analysis.

  12. As someone who smokes bud literally every day – The NHS budget is already shit as it is, let alone having to supply bud to all of the jobless stoners who will come up with any reason to get free bud off the NHS.

    Private makes sense because otherwise it'll be abused with literally every excuse under the sun, and there'll be no doctors appointments available to the people that need them because all the bums will be filling the waiting rooms trying to score free bud. I'm completely for legalisation for medicinal use and recreational use to be honest, but I don't think should be available on the NHS unless it's for specific conditions – and I'm not saying they have all the ones they should, but in time that will change as it has already to get to this point

  13. Would be good if we could actually get medical bud available on the NHS.

    Bud was the only thing that helped well with Anxiety and Insomnia for me and I cannot afford it on a private prescription so having it available on the NHS would be amazing.

    I know many other people that bud has really helped them for Anxiety and Insomnia as well so yeah, I really wish they'd look at how it can actually benefit and help a lot of people across the UK.

  14. I am very disappointed by this video. How can you talk on this subject without mentioning the cause of the situation in the UK? I am talking of course about British Sugar and who exactly owns it. I could cut you some slack, maybe you are just not aware. British sugar are one of the worlds largest producers of medical cannabis. They grow in the UK and they process in the UK. under Crown license. British subjects do not have access to this medication. Further the drugs minister was placed in the position to block any debate in parliament. The same minister was later responsible for overseeing Afghan resettlement. I will get back to that. That is background for what I am about to a say. Almost ALL the "illegal" bulk weed in the UK is produced by the Crown, via license, and its lackeys. The freemasons are the dealers for them and the police make sure they take out any and all competition in both growing and selling. This is the UK. If you think that this subject is going to get a fair debate in parliament, ever, you are sadly deluded and are going have a wake up call soon, although I should point out that if the past three years didn't open your eyes to your governments intentions, then probably nothing will. Worse than all of this, is the fact that the minister most involved in the UK's licensed drug ring is involved in resettling "friendlies" from Afghanistan. I wonder what part of the operation they were running? I mean the absolute fact that Afghanistan has been the worlds largest Opium producer for a very long time has absolutely nothing to do with anything…then there is how all of this links to south America and the Clinton Cartel and nicely round back into Epstein and the boys on the tracks. Trust me if they legalise weed it is because they want you to be stoned out of your head watching ants in the sunshine. Rant over.

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