16 Commentaires

  1. If you dont already listen to Peter Tosh's music I suggest you put down Bob Marley, and go and buy the Legalize It album and the Equal Rights Album, riiight now.

    and @ LosAngelesWeedSmoker – who better than rasta? let alone Peter Tosh! It is part of African culture so they are probbaly the best spokeman for it. not a white boy stoner from LA

  2. Here where I live, In Lithuania few guys were growing pretty a lot of weed and got busted. They are now both jailed for 10 years. The other guy – a cop, drives drunk and kills three innocent kids. Gets in jail only for 3 years. HOW IS THAT FEAR? LEGALIZE

  3. Why put a rasta to speak up, that's a fucking ridiculous stereotype. That's why i don't support Norml, they are the PETA of weed rights. Take your cash, and care less. Ha ha. Fuck them, us citizens will legalize it, not you cocksmokers! Fuck the NRA too… useless.

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