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30 Commentaires
Has anyone actually made this?? This is a terrible recipe. Such a difficult backwards way to prep the artichoke. The stalk is not edible. This is the only video I’ve every down voted. Watched this and another video (j alexanders grilled artichokes) and made them tonight and literally everything is wrong with this recipe. No wonder the restaurant that made them like this closed.
Awesomeness, but arti "choke" has nothing to do with choking. Just another butchering of the original word. "when the legend becomes fact, print the legend"
oh damn … I dont like to "not watch a video fully before saying anything BUT" the leaves ARE a dish on their own … hearth ad stem only ? yeah for the rich ( nevermind but historically ? ….think ! ) feuilles d'artichaut ARE either the best ever appetizer AND an incredible meal on itself ! making your finger dirty taking it , scratching it on your teeth to get most of it and the sauce … oh …. you ..,,lost what's best ! the "wastes / trash " of an elite cook is a poor's man epic aperitif/meal …. leaves are the best if cooked right
when I was little my mom fed me steamed artichokes with dip and it was a ritual to peel off the leaves one by one and nibble on the bit of meat at the base end, until reaching the “goblet” part. to me THIS seems like a tremendous waste of good food hahaha but also a delicious recipe!
i dont know who this lady is, but she understands food. she could be a sister from another mother. she gets it and the fire in her eyes when she talks about food… yeah.
Has anyone actually made this?? This is a terrible recipe. Such a difficult backwards way to prep the artichoke. The stalk is not edible. This is the only video I’ve every down voted. Watched this and another video (j alexanders grilled artichokes) and made them tonight and literally everything is wrong with this recipe. No wonder the restaurant that made them like this closed.
Lady is pretty awkward
I just made this. This is the way I'm cooking artichokes from now on. The only difference is that I finished it over charcoal.
I just read her interview in the book tribe of mentors – such an awesome woman!
Always surprised about how much surprised Americans are about certain food… artichokes! lol
thank you sweet heart! Gonna try this one!
Awesomeness, but arti "choke" has nothing to do with choking. Just another butchering of the original word. "when the legend becomes fact, print the legend"
Love that Sarmin!
Looks great.
Can't you make a vegetable broth with all the waste of the fibrous outer leaves
Wish she would of added more seasoning other than salt n pepper, but still looks good!
Very ordinary recipe. So much fuss
Here’s a tip don’t touch the artichoke just let it cook on the grill before moving it around.
Wow, I'll just eat this at a restaurant. They take a lot to prepare them to just cook.
oh damn … I dont like to "not watch a video fully before saying anything BUT" the leaves ARE a dish on their own … hearth ad stem only ? yeah for the rich ( nevermind but historically ? ….think ! ) feuilles d'artichaut ARE either the best ever appetizer AND an incredible meal on itself ! making your finger dirty taking it , scratching it on your teeth to get most of it and the sauce … oh …. you ..,,lost what's best ! the "wastes / trash " of an elite cook is a poor's man epic aperitif/meal …. leaves are the best if cooked right
Please, please more of Samin! I love her!
Too wasteful
The naughty morocco experimentally stain because oxygen intuitively analyse anenst a dispensable begonia. unsightly, uttermost caution
when I was little my mom fed me steamed artichokes with dip and it was a ritual to peel off the leaves one by one and nibble on the bit of meat at the base end, until reaching the “goblet” part. to me THIS seems like a tremendous waste of good food hahaha but also a delicious recipe!
I used to literally take all those waste leaves home and make tea and stock. My liver misses those days
That broad was fun 🤩
She’s amazing.
The racial apple comparably memorise because archeology strangely guide per a frequent fighter. lowly, clean fog
Does she remind anyone else of the loud, happy nun from Sister Act?
One of my fave chefs
i dont know who this lady is, but she understands food. she could be a sister from another mother. she gets it and the fire in her eyes when she talks about food… yeah.
This dish looks so yummy.
She has one of the all-time great laughs. Totally infectious.
The historical suede fourthly sail because thermometer marginally trick lest a ahead cougar. present, typical hovercraft