(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* 2nd Channel – ( …
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(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Finally back from a lil break with a test of something that’s more than needed in … Check on YouTube
(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* So I got a double review today on some interesting vape products that were sent … Check on YouTube
(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Another episode of strain mail filled with awesome artwork and odd gifts! Check on YouTube
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Awww! New subscriber here <3 Love your channel
Dude, you should watch grandmas boy, my favorite stoner movie
well i think a big misconception about how high you are and tolerance is that no matter how much weed you have smoked, how high u feel is up to you. i think its all in your head. if you really focus you can be completly high off .3 or barling feeling a whole gram
The front bottoms!!!!
What video games do you play? Just curious.
8:07 What is CBG, do you mean CBD or is it a different chemical entirely?
Neil DeGrasse Tyson!!! Awesome. I saw him at the Fox in Detroit.
you listening to mac miller is awesome. love the chanel dude!
Redband and Tokin Daily were my first stoney youtubers! You're right about the scene changing a lot
Also. I name my rigs when I encounter a situation with it. Funny story's usually good names.
Yes. NDT is awesome
Should definitely check out Dizzy Wright, hes a stoner + always keeps positive vibes within his bars.
Your socially awkward?! Dude you seem so energetic and outgoing!
Are you suppose to let the nail cool down for a second?
It's like that one baby sitter commercial😂😂😭
what nail do you use
review some kk!!!
my 3 peeps to smoke with would be: tesla, willie, snoop.
where do you work ?
where do you work ?
16:48 you said dodo
Yo! Josh dreadlocks don't require any maintenance at all just as long as you wash them they won't smell or anything!! Look up LAZYDREADS on YouTube!