In this episode I unbox and review Afghani Bullrider from Bllrdr. This jar is not what I remember Afghani Bullrider to be. Im sure it … Check on YouTube
Full disclosure, I've been invested in Valens for almost exactly 2 years, and I love the way this company is delivering on the vision that they shared way back. They said they were going to develop a product using Sorse technology, and they've done it. This company keeps its promises. As for Summit, I'd describe the taste exactly like the product name. It tastes like the water that good hotels put out in conference rooms, fresh water with ice, with pieces of lemon and lime floating around in it. That's exactly what this stuff tastes like, and ZERO taste of cannabis.
I really like this product but it would be great to increase the dosage and put it in a glass bottle. So many of the products from the OCS are in plastic. This needs to change. The OSC needs to change the way the way they use weight instead of dosage and start selling them in six packs, like the LCBO does with drinks that have much higher levels of alcohol impairment ability. This company needs to reconsider their packaging, it is very clinical, they need to take a look a Tweed, their beverage branding is much better. Most of these infused beverages have sugar and for some odd reason, soy in them. I do not include either of these things in my diet. I love being able to have a drink with my friend (I don't drink alcohol) and not have to be using my vaporizer when in family settings. You mentioned you found it had a very grapefruit smell and taste, I found it more lemon, but no matter, I agree very drinkable. I also find it odd they use the weight instead of the actual dosage, so you can only buy five at a time to the maximum of the 30 gram limit and the cost is pretty steep, but like I mentioned for the occasional drink with friends, it's a nice alternative.
Like your videos .Would love to see you do a review on the HEXO (Truss) drinks just released. One of them suppose to have hops and barley to probally mimic beer. Considering they have a J.V. with Molson / Coors that makes sence. Thanks
Does it come in a glass bottle, or plastic? I haven't seen these in BC yet. What was the price? If you mentioned this, I missed it and I apologize. The beverages need to be stronger. I actually asked our Canopy Growth rep yesterday how the Deep Space managed to get approved. She straight up said people are becoming accustomed to the flavor. So I guess if you only have one 10mg drink on the market, it doesn't matter what it tastes like.
Now working in the industry. I really appreciate these videos. Can’t wait for more knowledge.
I love the pressed hashish from Original Stash and 48'North. Dry flower dry ice micron filter sifting methods. Flavours of hashish are my most memorable. ☺️
The 10mg is out now…give it a try.
Thay work like that are 50mg . So that's good.
I buy tham the summit is good.
Always asked my self how often do you smoke or consum any sort of THC or CBD?!
would be cool if you could awnser me 🙂
Use it to mix with vodka, sprite zero
Full disclosure, I've been invested in Valens for almost exactly 2 years, and I love the way this company is delivering on the vision that they shared way back. They said they were going to develop a product using Sorse technology, and they've done it. This company keeps its promises. As for Summit, I'd describe the taste exactly like the product name. It tastes like the water that good hotels put out in conference rooms, fresh water with ice, with pieces of lemon and lime floating around in it. That's exactly what this stuff tastes like, and ZERO taste of cannabis.
I really like this product but it would be great to increase the dosage and put it in a glass bottle. So many of the products from the OCS are in plastic. This needs to change. The OSC needs to change the way the way they use weight instead of dosage and start selling them in six packs, like the LCBO does with drinks that have much higher levels of alcohol impairment ability. This company needs to reconsider their packaging, it is very clinical, they need to take a look a Tweed, their beverage branding is much better. Most of these infused beverages have sugar and for some odd reason, soy in them. I do not include either of these things in my diet. I love being able to have a drink with my friend (I don't drink alcohol) and not have to be using my vaporizer when in family settings. You mentioned you found it had a very grapefruit smell and taste, I found it more lemon, but no matter, I agree very drinkable. I also find it odd they use the weight instead of the actual dosage, so you can only buy five at a time to the maximum of the 30 gram limit and the cost is pretty steep, but like I mentioned for the occasional drink with friends, it's a nice alternative.
You rock Andrew
Like your videos .Would love to see you do a review on the HEXO (Truss) drinks just released.
One of them suppose to have hops and barley to probally mimic beer. Considering they have a J.V. with Molson / Coors that makes sence. Thanks
Does it come in a glass bottle, or plastic? I haven't seen these in BC yet. What was the price? If you mentioned this, I missed it and I apologize. The beverages need to be stronger. I actually asked our Canopy Growth rep yesterday how the Deep Space managed to get approved. She straight up said people are becoming accustomed to the flavor. So I guess if you only have one 10mg drink on the market, it doesn't matter what it tastes like.
Sorse is not a nanoemulsion. It’s just an emulsion from my discussions with Sorse.
Basecamp is already released. Been available in ON for a couple of weeks.
great video!! could you make a video about your store and in it, would be great
what do you think of the aurora stuff and san raffael71??
Great review!! Ya that was May with the MA. March is MAR.
Now working in the industry. I really appreciate these videos. Can’t wait for more knowledge.
I love the pressed hashish from Original Stash and 48'North. Dry flower dry ice micron filter sifting methods. Flavours of hashish are my most memorable. ☺️
I know you are busy bro, love the review, but get that b-roll in, it does a lot for your presentation. Also did it give you a buzz of any sorts?