34 Commentaires

  1. We all know that the classic male sexual fantasy is to sexually possess as many women as possible. Now I wonder if the classic female sexual fantasy is to sexually torment as many men as possible.

  2. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted that these complete MORONS use the word Tantra for such idiotic behavior. There should be some legal action by Hindu and Buddhist Tantric scholars and heads to ban the misuse of the word Tantra for these assholes. They can do whatever they want but why malign the sacred path of Tantra???!!
    Btw I am from a region of India which is one of the places where Tantra originated and thrives…and my ancestry is of Tantric practitioners associated with the 10 Mahavidyas

  3. Did anyone else notice how visibly defensive the lady toward the end got when the journalist asked her about the cult that was on the Netflix documentary (I forgot the name of it)? The question really bugged her & she rolls her eyes & says "oh that's just media" smh lady there's no gray area, either ppl were assaulted or they weren't! But how ironic is it that it was her session that made the journalist & other girl uncomfortable the most? Even before they walked away I said to myself "uhm this is kinda creepy, she has the women just sitting there & the men walking around them staring & inspecting their bodies like they're freaking cattle or slaves at an auction!🤮 It's totally NOT a coincidence that the lady who was bred in a cult & denies any sexual assaulting took place, is now displaying the same problematic behavior in her own classes/sessions!! She was doing what she learned. Turning the women into objects for men to use & putting them in submissive positions smh

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