40 Commentaires

  1. When they rate the joints, they need whatever those monitors are that sportscasters use during instant replays so they can circle and x things out as needed.

  2. I was always taught when you're being paid for a job, you show up early. 5 minutes early means you're on time. Being right on time means you're already late.

  3. and i just thpught jst indians? i done my first and im 40,
    2 weeks ago, but not reaallyy.. and i knew , okay.. ?
    yes.. ouch !

    actually.. theres a lot that will never ever, and theres a lot in the same tribe that would pick up on that instantlyZz .. but kick it different.. but i think we need the true connoiseurrss .. that put the twirly poosuum 1/5ths in at the end.. and say.. welll.. wasaarrr fknnn tutti tuttitt tuttitt…

  4. At end it, i thought, yes, well, as far as we know, the inddd alllllsssddd fkkkk nn eeerythinnnn.. soo jjuussttt putty a lliiittttll bbbb itttyy fiittyy diityu moree poodsssy puddssyy pooo,,, bback into u muuuusiccc. and i thought yes, well ok. so

  5. I then i was thinking c is the same maceo parker, as the charlie parker, and the Louis Lucas.. and i tried to do a bit of a dealer slaws win fings. and i remember at walmart.. this kid slways asking – wheres meer fkn chicken devilddd sing sing dinds..

  6. so every one can get fucked. fighting for me, is my baby.
    we just let u think . but the thinking guts are better at it.
    from the desk of book booo..

    never read a single one.. always just wanted to razz me scottish and irish angus play toys

  7. i used to watch gilbert grape squash ants in the letterbox
    now ive regained a love for the Red pussy ginger cat- i hat to dodge before i opened the door and salted the slugs on in under the diretyy dirrty little jssming

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