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PLUG #BUYINGWEED YO WHAT UP EVERYONE, this video was mad fun to make. I think we all had a little too much to smoke … Check on YouTube
Whats good yall , it’s been nearly 15 days since I made a banger 4 yall. Sorry about that, I’m filming like 3 videos today so I’m try … Check on YouTube
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This video came out at the right time.
The plot thiccened.
This happens to me but I was off an eddie nd I found lift my arms
Mr thc entered yodie land
I smoked 4 g moon rock I was fking high
He tryna be like that one dude
Man wen u do that off weed. Prolly just gotta stop it aint crack… watched u before u gettin wack now sorry man
This reminds me of the time I brought a zip to the session and it was 4 heads I got my homie so high he greened outttt. I told him he good like the first blunt in since his tolerance was so low he never smoked like dat, and I noticed how quiet he got and asked him if he was good, 5 minutes later throw up everywhere
after him puking 10 times I finally got him in a Uber home after canceling it sm times
I’ll never forget that but moral of the story always gotta make sure the homie straight
Happened to me at my aunts house I smoked 4 blunts and a full g of dabs
I seen that vid
I know to stop smoking when I get a migraine
hell yeah. so you know Erick. I met him at Santa Rosa's meet and greet
Sheeesh u were gone gone i feel u bro ..
Fat mood has happened to me
to the point I thought i was in a new dimension faded than a ho felt like dr strange did that spirit body separation shi
The highest I’ve ever been was after smoking a packwood a few years back. I was uncomfortably high
bro the same thing happened too me lmao I sat down was rolling up and my brain was thinking I was wanting to move my left hand when I wanted to move the right hand hella trippy fo sho
Me at the club