30 Commentaires

  1. All i gotta say is i work for a dispensary here in florida and raws were rejected for our pre rolls for containing high levels of metals, i dont know if thats even a bad thing so i commented on two raw pages multiple times and my comment gets deleted 😅. If i got a simple answer I would’ve stayed

  2. lmaooo there are multiple insta videos of him claiming all of this its hilarious and on top of that. THE PAPER ITSELF IS MADE IN FRANCE AND THEN ASSEMBLED IN SPAIN. Why do you think in america we label shit as designed in france and built in china because we want to know specifics about the entire process. If i said hey i have a completely french built car and then you find out the engine which is the most important part was built in china then you would tell me its not a completely french built car. it's that simple

  3. I think there isn't enough information yet. This is still going to court properly right? Or is the injunction just done, and he's just accepting it? If he's just accepting this sitting down I'd be quite suspicious.

    Why did he never register his charity as a proper charity? There is a lot of fuckery going on with charities, i think transparency is very important now that it's been called into question.

    Honestly, I won't be buying raws until there's some kind of actual clarifying statement. And just because it's a competitor bringing the claims doesn't take away from the merit. Also, i disagree that the claims are nitpicky. If true they're a big deal.

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