Hezbollah is a Lebanese terrorist organisation and political party responsible for deadly attacks all over the world. But this is the … Check on YouTube
I have been to Lago Agria in North East Ecuador. They call it Nueva Loya now. I was held hostage for five months in the jungles back in 2000. It was very noticeable how dead the jungle was as far as animal life. I work in Papua New Guinea also in the jungle is so lush and fertile you can actually watch fruit grow on the trees
People like this legitimately need to be publicly executed. Financial crimes and crimes like these are far more heinous and impactful than a drug dealer or murderers. One can only pray that they will one day be tortured mercilessly and their assets will be redistributed among those they’ve destroyed.
If eventually Texaco feels the time is up on their evasion…they will slipt off the part of their corporation by selling it to another corporation they created which they will then cut ties with it then once the courts have little choice but to decide against it.. …it will declare bankruptcy ….and then all liabilities will be secluded to the dummy corporation that purchased the part of Texaco, assuming all liabilities of the past and currently existing….like all new owners of established businesses knowingly do….and is now financially responsible.for any judgementd .will claim it can't pay. and whatever assets it acquired when it purchased.the part of Texaco corporation it bought and Texaco will get away with avoiding responsibility for their crimes……
I think it is just awful what these companies are doing to the environment in Ecuador. The main problem about society is ignorance. Ignorance feeds off everything that's why people do not want to change. Ignorance and greed are what these businesses are inflicting on these people. People change and then they act like hypocrites towards other people who do not change.
And that’s the thing, this world is so corrupt by the monopolies who run it, how can you avoid helping these wankers make profit? You can’t.. Even a simple can of coke is the result of destruction to natural ecosystems. A can of coke!!
This is why I'm a proud socialist/communist/anti-capitalist. Down with the system (capitalism) that not only allows people/corporations to get away with crimes against humanity, but gain massive amounts of wealth from doing so. No, the problem is not dirty capitlism, or crony capitalism, or corporate capitism, it's just capitalism. Power and wealth in the hands of the few, at the expense of the many (while it is the many, the workers, who do the actual work/labour that gives wealth to the few). That is, and always has been, and always will be, what capitalism is. Distribute the wealth and power to all people of the world (in other words, socialize it), democratize (socialize) work, and crimes against humanity like this won't happen so easily anymore.
The Illuminati's New World Order owns Texaco and Chevron just like it owns the US government. The people of the US owe the Illuminati owned Federal Reserve over $30 trillion dollars. Are politicians are members of the Illuminati.
Was that a Freudian slip @ 8:30? True, untrue??🙏🏾 I'm watching this video on my commute to work. I'm horrified and angry at this tragic disregard of human life and for this world we ALL live in. Most of all, I am saddened by the suffering people are enduring and inheriting, due to greed and lack of respect. I apologize that there are people protecting destruction and profits instead of spending any time or funds to protect one another and the beautiful gift, this "blue marble" we call home. Thank you for all those who are persistent and motivated, trying to make a dent and/or a difference.💗
Look at what we have done,,,,, all for pieces of paper in our wallets,,,,, If there is another intelligent species looking on,,,,, I bet that they are scratching there heads.. We are all slowly marching on like a pack of brainless morons to our inevitable deaths,,, and yes we all deserve it
This is so sad and unfair for this peoples. And that's a reason why i've no car (and no license) for the last 20 years….everybody need to do something to change this world! This oil companies are so harmful, in america, in africa, everywhere they are going, we need to stop them
When I was younger, I always said that if the Amazon ever entirely disappeared, I would take my permanent leave from this world. Based on this video and the massive fires that Bolsinaro didn't give a damn about,I think I'm going to have to do it a lot sooner than I previously thought, but that's a-OK with me, as every day I see something more sickening and unjust that reminds me of how utterly repulsive some humans are.
Aint that a NAZTY TO TOUCH ?!!! Cuzz I Think that 🙁 sooo sad to all that die becuzz of THE oile 🙁 !!!!! I all most start cryn!!!!!! Im GOING CRAAAAZY!!! No Lie
Sarah McMillan is a horrible person……she covers up and is a fixer for chevron……she provides the misleading information and downplays all the environmental and health issues as well as blocks publications
All executives from oil companies are corrupt and will let the environment and people die rather than do what is right……they protect their money before protecting people and nature
What untold history would you like to see us cover next?
People say we're lucky to live in this time period. I don't think everyone agrees
Is time to bring America out of all our nations, America has taken so much from all over the world.
This happened in Venezuela in the 50's. I lived in the largest oil rich camp of the world while the people were being raped of their lives
I have been to Lago Agria in North East Ecuador. They call it Nueva Loya now. I was held hostage for five months in the jungles back in 2000. It was very noticeable how dead the jungle was as far as animal life. I work in Papua New Guinea also in the jungle is so lush and fertile you can actually watch fruit grow on the trees
People like this legitimately need to be publicly executed. Financial crimes and crimes like these are far more heinous and impactful than a drug dealer or murderers. One can only pray that they will one day be tortured mercilessly and their assets will be redistributed among those they’ve destroyed.
Just plain mtfcks. The people running the top levels of these companies are just plain pieces of sht
If eventually Texaco feels the time is up on their evasion…they will slipt off the part of their corporation by selling it to another corporation they created which they will then cut ties with it then once the courts have little choice but to decide against it.. …it will declare bankruptcy ….and then all liabilities will be secluded to the dummy corporation that purchased the part of Texaco, assuming all liabilities of the past and currently existing….like all new owners of established businesses knowingly do….and is now financially responsible.for any judgementd .will claim it can't pay. and whatever assets it acquired when it purchased.the part of Texaco corporation it bought and Texaco will get away with avoiding responsibility for their crimes……
I know chevron chief scientist address if anyone needs it
I think it is just awful what these companies are doing to the environment in Ecuador. The main problem about society is ignorance. Ignorance feeds off everything that's why people do not want to change. Ignorance and greed are what these businesses are inflicting on these people. People change and then they act like hypocrites towards other people who do not change.
Hes finally free ❤️
“For someone to say that we just pushed dirt on these pits it’s- it’s it’s absolutely true- untrue”-Ricardo Admits but then says it’s not true. smh
And that’s the thing, this world is so corrupt by the monopolies who run it, how can you avoid helping these wankers make profit? You can’t.. Even a simple can of coke is the result of destruction to natural ecosystems. A can of coke!!
This is why I'm a proud socialist/communist/anti-capitalist. Down with the system (capitalism) that not only allows people/corporations to get away with crimes against humanity, but gain massive amounts of wealth from doing so. No, the problem is not dirty capitlism, or crony capitalism, or corporate capitism, it's just capitalism. Power and wealth in the hands of the few, at the expense of the many (while it is the many, the workers, who do the actual work/labour that gives wealth to the few). That is, and always has been, and always will be, what capitalism is. Distribute the wealth and power to all people of the world (in other words, socialize it), democratize (socialize) work, and crimes against humanity like this won't happen so easily anymore.
8:26 Freudian slip? lmao
Well that was depressing…
Here from HasanAbi
Chevron's main business model was to exploit poor and vulnerable countries, that is the most vile action I've ever seen in my life. It just hurts
The Illuminati's New World Order owns Texaco and Chevron just like it owns the US government. The people of the US owe the Illuminati owned Federal Reserve over $30 trillion dollars. Are politicians are members of the Illuminati.
Was that a Freudian slip @ 8:30? True, untrue??🙏🏾
I'm watching this video on my commute to work. I'm horrified and angry at this tragic disregard of human life and for this world we ALL live in. Most of all, I am saddened by the suffering people are enduring and inheriting, due to greed and lack of respect. I apologize that there are people protecting destruction and profits instead of spending any time or funds to protect one another and the beautiful gift, this "blue marble" we call home. Thank you for all those who are persistent and motivated, trying to make a dent and/or a difference.💗
Look at what we have done,,,,, all for pieces of paper in our wallets,,,,, If there is another intelligent species looking on,,,,, I bet that they are scratching there heads.. We are all slowly marching on like a pack of brainless morons to our inevitable deaths,,, and yes we all deserve it
This is why the ultra rich is moving to New Zealand. Clean environment there
This is so sad and unfair for this peoples.
And that's a reason why i've no car (and no license) for the last 20 years….everybody need to do something to change this world! This oil companies are so harmful, in america, in africa, everywhere they are going, we need to stop them
Our mother earth always have enough to fullfill the needs of humans and also enough to destroy entire human species existence.
And now Steven Donziger is in jail
so devastating and enraging this impunity for ecocide in the name of greed has to stop
Capitalism at its finest!
When I was younger, I always said that if the Amazon ever entirely disappeared, I would take my permanent leave from this world. Based on this video and the massive fires that Bolsinaro didn't give a damn about,I think I'm going to have to do it a lot sooner than I previously thought, but that's a-OK with me, as every day I see something more sickening and unjust that reminds me of how utterly repulsive some humans are.
Not my families country 🙁 Ecuador too beautiful for that to happen
It's absolute true untrue 😂ffs
😢🥺🙏 forgive us
Me: oh yeah I remember this, I wondered what happened with it.
Me five minutes later: wait, this was a totally. Different oil spill. How many of these were there?!
finally vice stopped fucking around with tabloid uninteresting stories and journalists
All of these happened to make a few billionaires even richer
If chevrons owner is still alive or if his child owns the company if nobody is paying their dues they should be in jail
Rafael Correa stole all of that money. He is one of the worst presidents Ecuador has ever had. So corrupt and selfish. He and his criminal ministers.
Please, for fucks sake, stop buying from this company, and spread the word to boycott Chevron!
Aint that a NAZTY TO TOUCH ?!!! Cuzz I Think that 🙁 sooo sad to all that die becuzz of THE oile 🙁 !!!!! I all most start cryn!!!!!! Im GOING CRAAAAZY!!! No Lie
this is why ive been switching everything to electric.
😮 sick !
Ah yes, I knew it was my people when I saw the thumbnail
Listen to Chapo Trap House' interviews with Steve. They fucked his life over this stuff.
This was heartbreaking…
Horrible scum CEOS
Smh,just pure evil
Sarah McMillan is a horrible person……she covers up and is a fixer for chevron……she provides the misleading information and downplays all the environmental and health issues as well as blocks publications
All executives from oil companies are corrupt and will let the environment and people die rather than do what is right……they protect their money before protecting people and nature
I wonder how heartless their shareholders are.