Meet the cannabis sommelier Andrew Freedman. A wine expert who loves cannabis a lot! In this episode learn how to make a … Check on YouTube
34 Commentaires
That's what happens when monet and quantity outweighs quality. Just cause you can grow it doesn't mean you know how to preserve it. This was the problem I had when I took a cross country legal weed tour. Almost all of it was dried out hay for premium prices. Very disappointing to say the least.
Its bullshit? Maybe the people who grow it just don't know how to grow. I think you should rethink of calling yourself a "sommelier". You have no idea man. 😆
35$ for thirst raping weed cartel weed prolly smoked better then that 🤣your eyes has a better color then the weed lol never seen someone wit eyes like that
First reviewer I have seen that actually takes the time to explain the strain and qualities. Liked and subscribed, keep up the good content. Very thorough, love the detail, and the lineage breakdown. Franco did so much for cannabis, North48 had a duty to make that product shine.
That's the growers fault not Arjans . Probably couldn't be arsed waiting 11 weeks. Get some one more reputable to send you some dude. Franco will be turning in his grave 😑
Wow this is really disappointing. I’ve only tried the pre rolls of this strains and absolutely love them… where I’m from we don’t have the bud available and I can see why 😬😬 that is some bunk 😩
That's what happens when monet and quantity outweighs quality. Just cause you can grow it doesn't mean you know how to preserve it. This was the problem I had when I took a cross country legal weed tour. Almost all of it was dried out hay for premium prices. Very disappointing to say the least.
Bad grower
You're taking bud from shitbox commercial companies and then blaming the seed company and breeder?
Its bullshit? Maybe the people who grow it just don't know how to grow. I think you should rethink of calling yourself a "sommelier". You have no idea man. 😆
dry, and looks like it was picked way early, kinda on the swaggy looking side…
dry, and looks like it was picked way early, kinda on the swaggy looking side…
Tht looks boof shame on you who ever produced 🙈tht 🍩
That bud is insulting to to have Franco's name on it. Looks like a guerrilla grow that was harvested early. Good review tho you are very honest 👍
But nonetheless a really good video man 👍🏼
No offense bro but you definitely don’t look like a stoner lmao
In his name that's just disappointing to say the least :/ not what he'd want in his memory probably that's for sure..
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣hi times 67 hay times winner your funny dude franko would be pist with that shit
Its out door what you expecting cannabis snobs are every were lol
People like you never had to suffer for the weed game make me sick
Yano I gotta try still man
35$ for thirst raping weed cartel weed prolly smoked better then that 🤣your eyes has a better color then the weed lol never seen someone wit eyes like that
That's atrocious my man I'm sorry 🤟🏽
First reviewer I have seen that actually takes the time to explain the strain and qualities. Liked and subscribed, keep up the good content. Very thorough, love the detail, and the lineage breakdown. Franco did so much for cannabis, North48 had a duty to make that product shine.
Русские есть
Fucking rough my dude. I can teach ya how to DIY this strain from seed just DM me bro
All of the legal cannibas from Canada reviews I've seen so far, the bud quality looks awful
48 north is currently for sale, first crop was a flop. There is a hemp farm less then 10km from their field.
Don’t know weather to thumbs up for the review or thumbs down for the product 😂😢
Looks like stuff I got from Mexico in the early 00s. Yuck
This was posted on my birthday and his disappointment made me laugh lmaoo. I got old hippies growing my ish in Toronto
That's the growers fault not Arjans . Probably couldn't be arsed waiting 11 weeks. Get some one more reputable to send you some dude. Franco will be turning in his grave 😑
Idk what to say
Wow this is really disappointing. I’ve only tried the pre rolls of this strains and absolutely love them… where I’m from we don’t have the bud available and I can see why 😬😬 that is some bunk 😩
You’re source is clearly shite
Like getting a pair of socks for Christmas…uuuuuhm
Its a shitty grow nothing wrong with the genetics.