(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* *Old re-upload from my second channel* I’m not saying don’t smoke your weed, … Check on YouTube
44 Commentaires
Your right sir 100% I got addicted to roxycontin ( oxycontins little sister ) then graduated to heroin and completely stopped smoking weed because I was spending all my money on heroin, I overdosed three times … weed saved me . I handle my pain with it , my anxiety, my depression and my insomnia, weed is a miracle in my life. Thanx for everything you do Josh cheers sir
i have a question, i have fibromyalgie and want to know what weed i could begin with. daily pain from neck to feet. i know some weed with a high dose of cbd what sort that would be i don't know yet.
The high power movement will dictate the 21st century, I will make sure of it. If you smoke cannabis and feel the energy then you know you're high power
I dont get why Oregon can only sell flower recreationally, no edibles.. So they want to take away the healthiest way to ingest weed but smoking it's ok….
Your right sir 100% I got addicted to roxycontin ( oxycontins little sister ) then graduated to heroin and completely stopped smoking weed because I was spending all my money on heroin, I overdosed three times … weed saved me . I handle my pain with it , my anxiety, my depression and my insomnia, weed is a miracle in my life. Thanx for everything you do Josh cheers sir
Fav channel on YouTube, swear down you only speak the truth. Great vids 👌
Alaska, happy you mentioned the state I'm in.
Benzo's are useful for when you are having a bad trip.
Why would someone move right before thanks giving
Josh you should do more wake and bake live so we can get baked with you
In California clubs / bud shops you can smell the bud and even hold it before you purchase your weed
Calm down on the talking man not enough smoking
Lol I'm from Alaska lol it's dope
I live in Alaska!!! And it's not just cold it's also dark!! Glad to here you Keep up with us!!
i might beat the shit out of the fridge and eat every little thing in there ahahhahahahaha cheers to you man!!!
Stumbled across this channel recently, Josh is equally intelligent and entertaining. Digging it.
4:47 XD
nice smmmmirt
Lmao, couldn't have said it better!! Awesome video and channel.
tuning In from Baltimore during a blizzard lol I really enjoy watching your videos josh, keep up the good work.
Very positive attitude shown towards some key issues in society. Should be more readily applied here in the UK where sadly, we are lagging behind.
i have a question, i have fibromyalgie and want to know what weed i could begin with. daily pain from neck to feet. i know some weed with a high dose of cbd what sort that would be i don't know yet.
Correlation doesn't mean causation! Great video! Cheers Josh!
lol 3:00 "homo-cide"
Josh gets so hyped. I love it
00:04 i swear it says #31…….
but hes saying 30…..
GREAT video regardless, cheers!
love the beard josh 😀
I love this series keep going mate!!!
"I might beat the shit outta the fridge and eat every little snack in there." lol
im now 16 and I was arrested for cannabis that I used for neck pain and insomnia it completely ruined my future of getting a job
Seriously props to you for actually knowing what you're talking about, dude. You know your shit and have facts to back it up, dude.
Wait there's a Pineapple Express 2
The way you smoke is funny homie ahah keep smoking that herb!!
The high power movement will dictate the 21st century, I will make sure of it. If you smoke cannabis and feel the energy then you know you're high power
is it just me or does weed make my back and neck feel weird when I sit or lay down?
If you say realistically one more time, ill come to Seattle and murder you in the streets
Yes congress is finally thinking! Also if i had at least a pound of barely dank weed i would still cuddle with it when falling asleep.
U R awesome
I would totally take it!! I live like an hour and a half from Arlington and I can't believe I haven't heard of that story
as far as weed YouTube channels go you and crutch are my fav
Cheers ~
speak the truth man
for sure the best channel bro!!!
(I really love your channel I'm always watching your videos (while stonned 🙂
I dont get why Oregon can only sell flower recreationally, no edibles.. So they want to take away the healthiest way to ingest weed but smoking it's ok….