I’ve been in a battle with quitting smoking cigarettes for the last 4 years now. I’m sure a lot of you probably thought I had already … Check on YouTube
21 Commentaires
Man drew must love burgersXD i swear every video mentions how he was eating a burger or wanting to buy one and now in this one hes eating one lmao
love how you laugh at everything it makes me laugh so hard okay hahahaha, but seriously you give good advice by just being yourself and saying what you want, srsly thats so inspiring :))
Life isn't serious.I will never take it seriously. That's why school to me is purely about friends and not academics. I do enough to get to the next grade and I'm thinking I might not even do that now because its pretty pointless.
Man drew must love burgersXD i swear every video mentions how he was eating a burger or wanting to buy one and now in this one hes eating one lmao
the first reason you shouldn't give advice: You're fucking blazed 24/7 and you live like a heroine addict
Good advice!
love how you laugh at everything it makes me laugh so hard okay hahahaha, but seriously you give good advice by just being yourself and saying what you want, srsly thats so inspiring :))
I AM GONNA MARRY YOU MUAHAHAHA no seriously -_- <3 lol hehehehehe
do a room tour
fuck why aren't guy's like this everywhere
Life isn't serious.I will never take it seriously. That's why school to me is purely about friends and not academics. I do enough to get to the next grade and I'm thinking I might not even do that now because its pretty pointless.
Okay but can you make a advice video soon?
I swear you smoke like 15 blunts before you make a video
U should get an Instagram ,
You seem very high in every video people should be more like that
I love your hair and your plugs sooo much omg😍🙈 and your laugh 😂😂🙊
I find you incredibly cute but incredibly intimidating at the same time.
Your laugh, I actually love it :')
You're the best!
please do an advice video on how to deal with periods:)
your little laugh thoooo♥
Your an amazing human being and I hope you have a lovely day x