17 Commentaires

  1. Does anyone answer any questions if not why do u even make videos for I just got the monistate with the number 7 on it I hope that's the right one and how do I use it on my dog ear just put some on a qtip and rub it on the inside of his ear but not too deep right or wrong??? I bet noone will answer bc noone answered anyone else's questions

  2. Very informative video, thank you! Dr. Jones, I need some advice if you don't mind. My dog was groomed and the groomer sliced off the top of a pink bump/wart. It scabbed over and when the scab falls off it has not healed, its oozy no infection present. I cleaned it with alcohol, applied antibiotic, scabbed up, fell off and still has not healed. He is not licking/chewing on it and doesn't mind if I clean it up. Any suggestions how I get this thing to heal? Before this happened he saw our Vet and I was told it was just a typical wart type pink bump. Thank you!

  3. You have helped me time and time again over the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you doctor. From, Snow white, Minnie mouse, Maya, tigey and Jackson. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  4. Hi Dr. 🙋‍♀ How do you always seem to know to make videos on things that I'm wondering or concerned about with my 2 girls ?🐕🐕 It's always so helpful plus I can trust what you say. 👍

  5. Can you please tell us how to administer the Monistat to cats ears? How much on a Q-tip? Cotton ball tissue with our finger please please my cat definitely has a yeast ear infection based on what you’re saying only in one year I just wanna make sure I’m not giving her too much how many days how many times a day

  6. Hi doc! Thanks for these great tips. Me and my mum subscribe. She has two dogs. I have a hamster with ear mite debris! Well I know that after watching this. She’s had two ivermectin treatments and with each perks up a lot. The debris is shifting out but seems to be clinging on. Im not sure whether to pluck the debris which i can get a grip on now with a gentle tug or if i should wait for it to expel itself or if castor oil in a tiny quantity is a solution? Tiny ears, senior hamster 🐹

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