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Did you see that ❌? These beautiful RAW glass tip cones, designed to help keep scoobie snacks out while creating high air flow! Check on YouTube
How to properly fill the biggest RAW cone made! Use a full plumb or a grenade pin! The RAW Astrocone fits 1/2lb of material and … Check on YouTube
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I'm gonna try this right after my shower
I rolled like this before
Ride the wave baby ❤
The tuck method is how you taught me. I'm so glad for this video. I teach my friends how to roll thanks to this
Eric pissed😂😂😂
Holy shit my mind is blown
Dude, I needed this big time!!! Thank you man
I absolutely love the way this guy promos his own business. He’s gunna end up on South Park my guy here. Long live RAw 🍁
Rip Eric I guess.
Thank you so much I've been doing the boat method
looks so lose tho
Raw offers so many products for joints that other companies can’t compete with
I just started rolling too. Let's gooo
What did eric do to you?
Damn Eric finna be pissed
Rip Eric's mom 😂
I had no idea you made the little building tables… I have another brand but love the raw product line and videos.
I was messing up completely I was rolling it straight and having a straight tube instead of a cone and not putting material in until it was already rolled
Why is this on my fyp 💀
An answer came from heaven haha thank you for showing the technique!
My life is perfect now.
Much needed
Def gonna try this next time 🔥
Hire me
damn imma try
That's a fucking great tip
Am i first? Sweeeet