This one is a classic and a personal favorite, but we are lucky that any of us have ever even been able to try it. This strain is … Check on YouTube
27 Commentaires
I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. I smoke a ton, well Vape in my volcano. I also eat a ton of homemade edibles. Drs have brought up CHS to me on the last two visits to the ER but I refuse to make that correlation. I’ve been hospitalized three times this year. I switch my strains up like crazy n eat edibles with all different strains too.
I'd like to share my experience with this personally, I first started to experience what would be described as CHS about 4 years ago on a trip to california. I was burning up and sweating but at the same time i felt very cold and i can only describe the experience as horrifying and i quite literally felt like i was going to die. anywho since the e.r in cali told me it was called CHS i started to do as much research as i could on it only to find that the prevailing thought pattern in the medical community is just stop smoking. like seriously? the medicine that was helping me is now mysteriously completely working against me and the only thing i get is "idk. sucks to be you. stop smoking" I'm sorry but for me and the other victims of this mysterious illness i just cannot accept that. For a good while it had terrified me completely to ever smoke again so i would go long periods without smoking but folks even though i was no longer getting sick i Still need medical cannabis to do what it's Supposed to do so i would try smoking again only to every time without fail experience the same thing. I would think maybe it was specific to certain strains or maybe it was an indica vs sativa type thing or maybe it was contaminated or something or maybe it was some kind of underlying thing contributing and all my friends around me that could smoke all day long and never had an issue completely lacked any understanding of what was happening and would constantly try to assure me that it was strictly a mental thing. now fast forward a bit to my most recent delve into smoking again. I don't know that i can conclusively say it's just a mental thing or anything like that but what i have found out is this, it is Very much a Real Thing; it very much has Real unpleasant Physical And Mental effects, But I have found a way that effectively combats both the physical and mental aspects of it for ME. The mental aspect of it for me comes down to the fact that it was so terrifying to go through that i'll always have a fear of reliving the experience which in turn makes me more likely to actually experience it. So it's not ALL in my head but a good deal of in reality Is because just Mental Anxiety Alone can very much and Will cause physical symptoms of that anxiety to manifest in the body. Anywho i will say this also that Even though i've found a way to stop my body from actually throwing up i Still very much have the physical and mental sensations of my body still wants to react this way so this is something anyone wanting to try out my method should be aware of and keep in mind. That being said, here's what i found works for me, I try my best to keep a gigantic bag of hard candies very close to my person whenever i am smoking and after i smoke before my body even has the chance to start to react negatively i pop one in my mouth. This achieves several things. 1. I'm focused on the physical sensation of the candy in my mouth. 2 if you have cottonmouth, Delicious Fix. 3. Even though i might have both physical and mental things making my body Want to have a bad reaction, it keeps me grounded long enough on something other than the anxiety of the experience or the experience itself that before the candy is even gone those sensations disappear and i feel what i'm Supposed to feel. Another thing that may work and i know this may sound totally insane but hear me out, Popsicles. Before i tried the hard candy method i just had the weird idea to see if a popsicle would help and for some reason strangely enough it did. i think in theory why that worked was similar to why the hard candy works. I'm fixated on the physical sensation of wow this is REALLY cold in my hand and also i like to beat the popsicle against the freezer and then squeeze the other pieces with my finger and get the ice completely crushed before i start enjoying the popsicle. One last word of caution, This Works for Me personally. It May not work out the same way for You and even if it does you'll still be tackling some mild symptoms but nowhere near close to what it Can be and it Does get better over time. But Anywho that was my long winded take on things, if you took the time to read all of it thank you and i hope this can help any other poor innocent victims of this dreadful illness
I get sick just from smoking certain strains. Some are worse than others. The worst I get super sick after two small bowls of my bong. And when I share a bit with friends they don’t get sick at all.
I’m pretty sure I went through this a couple months ago. I’m a person that edibles don’t really work on every time I eat them at most I’ll feel a small buzz for 5-10 minutes and then I’m completely sober again. A while back I went camping with my buddies and we stopped at the dispo, we picked up a few chocolate bars and a good amount of bud. To sum it up I ended up eating at least a full bar and a half (150mg) but it could’ve been slightly more. Again I only felt buzzed but this time it cycled on and off for like an hour it was really weird. After a few hours I decided to hit the bong since I wasn’t feeling high at all. As soon as I exhaled it was immediate nausea and I felt super dizzy and disoriented for half an hour maybe? It was horrible and the worst part was I still didn’t feel all that high I just felt out of it and like I had to shit myself, I was on light duty cause we were cooking at night and man I was totally useless lol
I feel like this was happening to me. I've been smoking since 14, and i'm 41. I attribute my bad eating habits with it. Soda was my addiction. It would always happen after a weekend of binge eating. But when it came on I could not stop throwing up, the whole day, weed and hot showers were my saving grace. Your channel is DOPE! Love all your videos and knowledge
I have gotten sick from it before, but its contradicted because i was drinking the night before and smoking…But the hot bath definitely helped out. I'm diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. Thats also Very Rare, and causes the same symptoms. The cause of the syndrome is not known. Only theories.
Definitely has to do with associating the high with nausea then the nausea actually happens. I've had this but it went away when I realized that so probably a mental thing
I've had it before. It's real. I couldn't keep anything down for almost a week! I was in the hospital, and hot shower was the ONLY THING that helped me feel relief from the nausea/vomiting! I took 4 showers a day. I stopped smoking for 4 or 5 days and it went away. Then I kept smoking, and it has never came back.
Love you great way to wake up on Saturday. I was sitting here looking at my landmine curred sugar and my GSC live sugar and they are so different can you help me understand why?? Peace from Maryland
I used to throw up all the time when I first started. I'd smoke about a g worth of bud and about 30 minutes later I'm just chillin then something that sorta felt like anxiety came and then I would get hella nauseous and then throw up. The worst experience I had with this was after my first dab. I threw up about 4 or 5 times and some of my buddy's still have pictures of me passed out on the couch as white as a ghost lmao
The first time I ever took edibles it was apparently too much. Couldn't stop throwing up. For hours. Til it was just dry heaves and still wouldn't stop. Had to go to the ER. When I was using concentrates I'd get real nauseous. I'm not normally much of a vomiter but it'd affect the other end. I don't do concentrates anymore. I smoke like an 8th a day and I am pretty good there. I think it has something to do with how the endocannibanoid system regulates your body's temperature. Every time I've been in that spot I've also been shivering and running a fever. If I stop smoking weed entirely I feel like that for about a day and a half then I am fine. So its some kind of habituation that occurs with high usage because it is an internal mechanism of the body you are monkeying with.
I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. I smoke a ton, well Vape in my volcano. I also eat a ton of homemade edibles. Drs have brought up CHS to me on the last two visits to the ER but I refuse to make that correlation. I’ve been hospitalized three times this year. I switch my strains up like crazy n eat edibles with all different strains too.
I'd like to share my experience with this personally, I first started to experience what would be described as CHS about 4 years ago on a trip to california. I was burning up and sweating but at the same time i felt very cold and i can only describe the experience as horrifying and i quite literally felt like i was going to die. anywho since the e.r in cali told me it was called CHS i started to do as much research as i could on it only to find that the prevailing thought pattern in the medical community is just stop smoking. like seriously? the medicine that was helping me is now mysteriously completely working against me and the only thing i get is "idk. sucks to be you. stop smoking" I'm sorry but for me and the other victims of this mysterious illness i just cannot accept that. For a good while it had terrified me completely to ever smoke again so i would go long periods without smoking but folks even though i was no longer getting sick i Still need medical cannabis to do what it's Supposed to do so i would try smoking again only to every time without fail experience the same thing. I would think maybe it was specific to certain strains or maybe it was an indica vs sativa type thing or maybe it was contaminated or something or maybe it was some kind of underlying thing contributing and all my friends around me that could smoke all day long and never had an issue completely lacked any understanding of what was happening and would constantly try to assure me that it was strictly a mental thing. now fast forward a bit to my most recent delve into smoking again. I don't know that i can conclusively say it's just a mental thing or anything like that but what i have found out is this, it is Very much a Real Thing; it very much has Real unpleasant Physical And Mental effects, But I have found a way that effectively combats both the physical and mental aspects of it for ME. The mental aspect of it for me comes down to the fact that it was so terrifying to go through that i'll always have a fear of reliving the experience which in turn makes me more likely to actually experience it. So it's not ALL in my head but a good deal of in reality Is because just Mental Anxiety Alone can very much and Will cause physical symptoms of that anxiety to manifest in the body. Anywho i will say this also that Even though i've found a way to stop my body from actually throwing up i Still very much have the physical and mental sensations of my body still wants to react this way so this is something anyone wanting to try out my method should be aware of and keep in mind. That being said, here's what i found works for me, I try my best to keep a gigantic bag of hard candies very close to my person whenever i am smoking and after i smoke before my body even has the chance to start to react negatively i pop one in my mouth. This achieves several things. 1. I'm focused on the physical sensation of the candy in my mouth. 2 if you have cottonmouth, Delicious Fix. 3. Even though i might have both physical and mental things making my body Want to have a bad reaction, it keeps me grounded long enough on something other than the anxiety of the experience or the experience itself that before the candy is even gone those sensations disappear and i feel what i'm Supposed to feel. Another thing that may work and i know this may sound totally insane but hear me out, Popsicles. Before i tried the hard candy method i just had the weird idea to see if a popsicle would help and for some reason strangely enough it did. i think in theory why that worked was similar to why the hard candy works. I'm fixated on the physical sensation of wow this is REALLY cold in my hand and also i like to beat the popsicle against the freezer and then squeeze the other pieces with my finger and get the ice completely crushed before i start enjoying the popsicle. One last word of caution, This Works for Me personally. It May not work out the same way for You and even if it does you'll still be tackling some mild symptoms but nowhere near close to what it Can be and it Does get better over time. But Anywho that was my long winded take on things, if you took the time to read all of it thank you and i hope this can help any other poor innocent victims of this dreadful illness
I’m not surprised, to much of nearly everything can be bad for you
I get sick just from smoking certain strains. Some are worse than others. The worst I get super sick after two small bowls of my bong. And when I share a bit with friends they don’t get sick at all.
I’m pretty sure I went through this a couple months ago. I’m a person that edibles don’t really work on every time I eat them at most I’ll feel a small buzz for 5-10 minutes and then I’m completely sober again. A while back I went camping with my buddies and we stopped at the dispo, we picked up a few chocolate bars and a good amount of bud. To sum it up I ended up eating at least a full bar and a half (150mg) but it could’ve been slightly more. Again I only felt buzzed but this time it cycled on and off for like an hour it was really weird. After a few hours I decided to hit the bong since I wasn’t feeling high at all. As soon as I exhaled it was immediate nausea and I felt super dizzy and disoriented for half an hour maybe? It was horrible and the worst part was I still didn’t feel all that high I just felt out of it and like I had to shit myself, I was on light duty cause we were cooking at night and man I was totally useless lol
Nice ending. Couldn't you just buy a new stem piece
Thanks for them Nuggets of Knowledge buddy
I feel like this was happening to me. I've been smoking since 14, and i'm 41. I attribute my bad eating habits with it. Soda was my addiction. It would always happen after a weekend of binge eating. But when it came on I could not stop throwing up, the whole day, weed and hot showers were my saving grace. Your channel is DOPE! Love all your videos and knowledge
I have gotten sick from it before, but its contradicted because i was drinking the night before and smoking…But the hot bath definitely helped out. I'm diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. Thats also Very Rare, and causes the same symptoms. The cause of the syndrome is not known. Only theories.
My main Theory on this is maybe it's an allergic reaction? I'm allergic to penicillin and my main symptom is vomiting
Definitely has to do with associating the high with nausea then the nausea actually happens. I've had this but it went away when I realized that so probably a mental thing
It’s Real, I have an episode like twice a year.
CHS almost killed me. Threw me into DKA and ended up in ICU non stop vomiting. Just want to smoke again :/. Wtf.
I've had it before. It's real. I couldn't keep anything down for almost a week! I was in the hospital, and hot shower was the ONLY THING that helped me feel relief from the nausea/vomiting! I took 4 showers a day. I stopped smoking for 4 or 5 days and it went away. Then I kept smoking, and it has never came back.
The channel is growing keep grindong
I suffer from this it’s very real can promise that
CHS Recovery Group:
I think is a stunt to make cannabis look bad have a reason to not remove it from schedule 1😪
im glad that your doubtful. i know people that smoke tons and tons of weed too, including people that do nothing but wax by the grams daily….
You should check out hemper for a new bong They even have a pineapple Dab Rig
Love you great way to wake up on Saturday. I was sitting here looking at my landmine curred sugar and my GSC live sugar and they are so different can you help me understand why?? Peace from Maryland
I used to throw up all the time when I first started. I'd smoke about a g worth of bud and about 30 minutes later I'm just chillin then something that sorta felt like anxiety came and then I would get hella nauseous and then throw up. The worst experience I had with this was after my first dab. I threw up about 4 or 5 times and some of my buddy's still have pictures of me passed out on the couch as white as a ghost lmao
Describes my brother to a T
It always sucks when you break your glass. Was it a total Loss or are you able to get replacement parts?
I am so lucky that I do not have that….and love your're videos man
👍 cheers 🔥🌫️
The first time I ever took edibles it was apparently too much. Couldn't stop throwing up. For hours. Til it was just dry heaves and still wouldn't stop. Had to go to the ER. When I was using concentrates I'd get real nauseous. I'm not normally much of a vomiter but it'd affect the other end. I don't do concentrates anymore. I smoke like an 8th a day and I am pretty good there. I think it has something to do with how the endocannibanoid system regulates your body's temperature. Every time I've been in that spot I've also been shivering and running a fever. If I stop smoking weed entirely I feel like that for about a day and a half then I am fine. So its some kind of habituation that occurs with high usage because it is an internal mechanism of the body you are monkeying with.