49 Commentaires

  1. I just bought a Yocan Rex with my last $45 and it shit out on me in six days. Been seeking a replacement because it vaped better than any bong attachment I've yet tried, but I'm not buying the same shit that already broke on me once. I'd never heard of this GLOW, thanks for putting it on my radar!

  2. What I like about your videos is they look like those weird movies teachers brought us in class to learn when they where to lazy to teach but the descriptions on the stuff are spot on always the reviews are 100”

  3. Bro you should do a review on lookah products I personally have the seahorse pro(e-nectar collector) and the Q7(cordless e-nail). Thx for all your great vids much appreciated

  4. Just a random question, have you or anyone else "Smoked themselves sober"? I've heard the term for as long as I can remember and I have never had that happen to me, I would sometimes green out or I would just not get more medicated. Anyhow I like and appreciate these videos, learning about cannabis is something that I find relaxing.

  5. did you diamonds ever melt tho? also i'm not sure about having that porous of an atomizer, i would think that it would start combining flavors unless you torched it to clean

  6. The crystals just appeared colored but was just covered with sauce so I won't recommend using diamonds and sauce for you'll dab the sauce first and later clean thc isolate pretty much

  7. love these product reviews Matt I tell the people at the dispensary about your videos especially the product review videos they're always looking for new stuff to put in the showcase so thank you:)

  8. The DabX rocket mk1 ceramic coils are similar in porousness, but with a different airflow design so no holes and minimum seepage. The porous ceramic is the only reason I'm able to use D8 Distillate on it, I'm happy to see other companies using it in a similar way with a portable/affordable bonus.

  9. Bro your promoting sketchy ass looking Chinese website for a sub par device ? Come on . Atleast test something we have all actually heard of . I own several e rigs this thing looks wonky no doubt. Review the peak pro . . .

  10. Nice video …I have the path pro plus from Randy's and the tip turns all black and freaks me out.. I'm going to get the 2nd generation tips and see if they work better and if not I might get something else.. Just wish I had the quality of concentrates you have…keep up the grind man and thumbs up

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