16 Commentaires

  1. I work for color and I packaged that very bag of flower. We produce in our strathroy facility & package at our Aylmer facility. We recently started w the nitrogen flushing and packaging. The mango haze is alot more popular on the medical side. I'd recommend our Pedro's sweet sativa if ur lookin for a much better tasting smoke. We just started using bovadas in our packaging as well. To help w the moisture loss. All that said I don't smoke our flower cuz My tolerance is wayyy to high and I get much better from my legacy market suppliers.

  2. Got the mango from Canaca. Was trash aswell 🙁 . Had some girl scout cookies from strain reck, that was some good smoke. Great video man. If you dont mind grinded weed, 7 grams of tropical breeze from shred is preetty damn good.

  3. I liked this a lot! I have been trying to research for a awesome vid that really breaks down the topics in this vid! 🧑‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️Your tip actually reminds me of the content of this educational health enthusiast Doctor Ethan. Dr Ethan's explanations are knowledgable and he helped me a lot on my diet!

    I recommend you watch his channel out and give the med student a subscribe! 👉 #DrEthanEducational

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