22 Commentaires

  1. Las Vegas they have homeless people living out in the desert they come in every now and and then to the city. Egyptian temples in Grand Canyon is what they're hiding; would change history and the power structure that controls us today

  2. 39:29 “god" is nonexistent. If he was he wouldn’t force you to overwork your braiN & body to iNteract with him, religion, & religious traditions; & he wouldn`t allow you to step on piles of ants daily🧠🐜
    150 billion animals are slaughtered worldwide annually for food, fashion, & profit; As of 2021 there are 500,000+ homeless Americans effectiNg a miNimum of 500k family members; Many people have been falsely accused, outcasted, &/or murdered for “witchcraft”; Suicide bombiNgs have happened due to religion. Death alone, proves “god” is nonexistent. If he exists, he wouldn’t make people bliNd, deaf, mute, & handicapped

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