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Dr Jones’ Free Book… Feeding your dog human food is a hotly debated topic online. Is it safe? Check on YouTube
If your dog is scared of new people, other dogs, or even the vet, then she may have fear … Check on YouTube
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thank you,,,,for the explanation,,,,
Thanks for this video, in my village and the nearest villages of where I live, there have been people spotted leaving behind poison hidden as food. As for now, 3 cats got killed, and 2 dogs and 5 cats hurt because of those animal haters. So Thanks a lot
Last year my Dog died of Tick Poisoning spray 🥺
Thank you Doctor for letting us know the signs & symptoms of poisoning in dogs.
Love this guy he cares.
I got my dog poisend from 2 guys
wait. he cannot get a lick of chocolate?
Hi Doc, will the vet be able to see that a dog has been poisoned from blood tests done?
Your videos are very helpful. I wanted to switch my 2 month puppy to keto but do you think I should wait?
I am wildlife vet my dog was drolling excessively and died within two days! that was the only sign! what wouldbe the cause? by the way she was very active!
Thank you Doctor Jones for this video 🐾🐾🐾🐾💞
Our female chihuahua is about 8 months old, we noticed she's been spending most of the day sleeping in her crate. She's always been a little lethargic since we got her at 9 weeks. She does get hyper and playful sometimes, but in small short spurts. She throws up kinda often, it's been several times a week. We use pine pellts for her litter box and sometimes she eats a pellet here and there and throws up, but I don't know if that's always the cause of her throwing up. She doesn't pant often, but at night lately she's been panting a lot (when it's the coolest time of day and the other dog is not panting) .. I took her to the vet but they seem to know nothing, they said she doesn't have parasites and gave me antibiotics to giver her "just in case" she has a dog bacterial infection or something. I haven't given them to her because I don't want to medicate her unnecessarily. I also wonder if she's going to go into her first heat soon, maybe she doesn't feel great for that reason? i don't know what to do!! she has 3 signs you mentioned, but the vet was 0% helpful
Thank you Dr Jones for all your information love and blessings 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
I've been treating one of our dogs (we have 11)) with fresh turmeric. We thought last week that he was going to die….& now a week later he is up & acting normal.He's only 2 years old.
If compost can cause seizures how can you practice safe gardening practices?
This was a great informative video❣️
Great video ! Thank you Dr Jones . God bless you 😇❤
Thank you for always teaching and bringing awareness 🙂
Yup, yard plants at our new house caused this. The drooling was the big sign that something was wrong. Great video!!
Good to know but to late
Glad to see you healed up quick after the crash
Hello dr Jones – I love listening to all your wisdom, have you discussed pica in dogs? If not would you please go over that in a video- also some topics are for cat or dog- and the treatments- I try to listen very closely to make sure it’s a topic and treatment for both-
Everything is so helpful not only do we have pets- but I’ve done rescue work solely out of pocket- mainly TNR cats. Thank you for looking out for pets and their parents❤️
P.s- do you discuss other pets? I haven’t got to watch all the videos yet- lol I’m working on it. Have a great day!
My siamese cat was poisoned with rat poison 3 months ago….Thankfully he survived .
I think his drizzle nose has given me a cold. He's been sneezing at me and then I start sneezing. He had his Kennel Cough protection on the 23rd of July, 2021. Keep wrapped up everyone and take your supplements.
How would tetrodotoxin likely present in a dog?; for example if he bites a california newt while hiking
4th ch of Micah