26 Commentaires

  1. Thanks for this video, in my village and the nearest villages of where I live, there have been people spotted leaving behind poison hidden as food. As for now, 3 cats got killed, and 2 dogs and 5 cats hurt because of those animal haters. So Thanks a lot

  2. Our female chihuahua is about 8 months old, we noticed she's been spending most of the day sleeping in her crate. She's always been a little lethargic since we got her at 9 weeks. She does get hyper and playful sometimes, but in small short spurts. She throws up kinda often, it's been several times a week. We use pine pellts for her litter box and sometimes she eats a pellet here and there and throws up, but I don't know if that's always the cause of her throwing up. She doesn't pant often, but at night lately she's been panting a lot (when it's the coolest time of day and the other dog is not panting) .. I took her to the vet but they seem to know nothing, they said she doesn't have parasites and gave me antibiotics to giver her "just in case" she has a dog bacterial infection or something. I haven't given them to her because I don't want to medicate her unnecessarily. I also wonder if she's going to go into her first heat soon, maybe she doesn't feel great for that reason? i don't know what to do!! she has 3 signs you mentioned, but the vet was 0% helpful

  3. I've been treating one of our dogs (we have 11)) with fresh turmeric. We thought last week that he was going to die….& now a week later he is up & acting normal.He's only 2 years old.

  4. Hello dr Jones – I love listening to all your wisdom, have you discussed pica in dogs? If not would you please go over that in a video- also some topics are for cat or dog- and the treatments- I try to listen very closely to make sure it’s a topic and treatment for both-
    Everything is so helpful not only do we have pets- but I’ve done rescue work solely out of pocket- mainly TNR cats. Thank you for looking out for pets and their parents❤️
    P.s- do you discuss other pets? I haven’t got to watch all the videos yet- lol I’m working on it. Have a great day!

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