this was dope asf #stiiizy ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE HERE : With each purchase, you’re … Check on YouTube
38 Commentaires
I totally support this! give back to the homeless BUT how many do u think probably craved it so bad after finishing it 😕 I mean like as somebody was addicted it is addictive and can get them back to focusing on drugs instead of getting out of the streets u know.. ofc not speaking for all
First thing I thought when the homeless man said he had a torch on his was…meth. Maybe not but that is the ONLY damn reason you see a man lookin like that carry a torch where I live but I’m down south
I totally support this! give back to the homeless BUT how many do u think probably craved it so bad after finishing it 😕 I mean like as somebody was addicted it is addictive and can get them back to focusing on drugs instead of getting out of the streets u know.. ofc not speaking for all
Bro make some more content ‼️‼️‼️
Foo hits crack then gets skeptical bout some dabs 🤣🤣
6:54 awkward moment😂😂
Damn that man tough smokin stems and eating habaneros like it’s nothin 😭😭😭 !
At 6:22 you can see the first guy smacked outta shit
Yeoo my manz Mr THC gave a homeless man who smokes stems that good good you know what I'm sayin, aye he really a legend
Dudes homeless get this man a water with them dabs ya asshole ha
5:42 damn why he not shake the mans hand😔
Bro you should drip up some random homeless 👕
Very cool
dis manzz left dem highh asff n hunggrryyy wit out da food😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good shit giving back to the people in need 100%
3:14 Wow I was hoping the top comment was about that. NO WAY THAT DUDE IS SMOKING HAY LMAO! JUST NO WAY ! CREDULITY IS GONE! LOL
Boa wtf wym next level high these niqqas smoke crack this jus a little buzz for them 🤣
Much respect ✊
Creasin the jays dammm
Spreading positive vibration!
The plug dropped off sum hay💀😭😭😭
Is this what happens when you reach a high tolerance looks lit asf
Low key mad you creased them 10’s like that my boy😅
Hmmmm I wonder what that third guy is heating up with a torch 🤔
Good job brothers!
water and snacks next time ,for the munchies and for they cough😂
That stoner laugh made me laugh 😂
Peace and love ✌🏻❤️
Your a st8 bless to the homeless people
Dope ass vid
First thing I thought when the homeless man said he had a torch on his was…meth. Maybe not but that is the ONLY damn reason you see a man lookin like that carry a torch where I live but I’m down south
Now we know what the homeless want.
hehe covid tracer asap!
He was smokin them dabs kinda crazy never seen a dab in the rig heated after that
True hero’s
am late but yall seen how many times they leave them hanging😂
Bro wtf was that dude smoking on 😂
Hey with City is this where MrThc was i want visit there im from germany want smoke that goooooooodd 🙂
It’s all fun and games til the high sets in and they get hungry asf but got no money😔