44 Commentaires

  1. what if you can't get them up to get them to the vet and they can't get up themselves. My girl ate something I know she ate some paper towels because they've come out work their way out she's 160 lb. I can't lift her she can't get up she won't get up she's already had trouble getting up and moving she's an old girl she's 12 years old now I've had trouble with her legs all her life she had the surgery when she was 2. she's always had difficulty with that leg in the older she gets the less she wants to move it hurts. the only thing she does anymore is gets up to go outside to go potty if she kind of wiggles a little like she's being silly she tries. at this point she's not eating or drinking, she won't get up so I can get her to the car, I don't know what to do. she's semi-non responsive. I can't afford the vet bills I have no money covid put me in unemployment line. I don't know what to do

  2. kuch bhi ho jaye bt me esa kuch ni krungi ki apne dogs ko injection k jariye mar du mere to mind me bhi ni aa skti esi baat bcz sbko apni life jine ka hq hota h vese hi life itni short h

  3. Thank you do much for this video it really truly helped me make the decision that my Cortez is not yet ready. He eats and drinks like crazy still cleans himself his main downfall or his back legs are more then a bit weak. He still can lift his leg to potty but often falls over and he slips all the time if he's trying to backup and doesn't notice something behind him especially when I come home and he meets me all excited at the door. I've really been trying to decide what to do what he would like me to do. So this helped me so very much. Thank you

  4. 5 H's:
    H-Hurt: Is there adequate pain control?
    H-Hunger: Is your pet still able to eat?
    H-Hydration: is your pet still able to drink/get hydrated?
    H-Hygiene: Is your pet clean, free of fecal/urine contamination?
    H-Happiness: Is your pet happy/responsive to see you?
    2 M's:
    Mobility- Is your pet able to move around? How mobile?
    More- Is there more good days than bad days? Or the other way around?

  5. This presentation made sense and was very practical. Provoking rational thought about this process helps to not make snap decisions to either proceed or not to proceed. The categories as outlined made very good sense. Thank you for underscoring what I already knew but have been too emotional and wrapped up in providing palliative care to give good thought to.

  6. My Lhasa poo is 13 years now. I can see he can only walk not more than 2 miles each time comparing to 6 years ago he could walk 7 miles once! and he just lost two front teeth. But overall he is still in good health from last year senior dog blood work. But it will be sad to see your pet die

  7. My heart is completely broken. I just had to make this most difficult decision. My nearly 14 year old pug baby crossed over rainbow bridge 3-15-22. I’m having such a difficult time learning how to live without her now. She was such a huge part of my everyday life. I miss her so terribly and beyond words. How do I get through this pain I’m feeling? She slept with me every night of her life. I’m just at a total loss of dealing with this grief.

  8. Dr Jones you are an amazing person so full of knowledge and wisdom. I have learned so much from you since I began watching your videos. Honestly, you by far exceed all vets that I have seen for my dogs. You have a common sense approach and this is extremely valuable. Please keep your channel of information open to continue helping pet parents. My name is Nettye a resident of Houston Texas.

  9. I have a small mixed breed going on 13, he was diagnosed with a stage 4 heart murmur and now he coughs day and night ,also having daily seizures. The thing is he eats and drinks,and when he's outside he doesn't cough as much. I know i dogs can be stoic and I hate to think im keeping him for myself when he's suffering . It's such a hard decision to make but I think for him it may be the best to have him Euthanized 😫

  10. What about if sight and hearing is impaired? And the stress of not knowing what they are going to bump into next? Or stress when you touch them and they can’t see or hear to know who it is? Does that have a score?

  11. I love this Vet. My girls Morkie is struggling as we speak, he lost everything, his site, his Balance, soils himself everything… Earlier this evening he was pacing allll over with a bloated stomach. She decided to make the choice to do it this Morning. God Bless these pups…

  12. My dog is 16,5 years old and she shows some signs of mental disorientation, some difficulty walking around the house. She doesn't seem to enjoy walks anymore. Almost completely blind. I'm not sure if she's in pain but it kind of seems she lost her will to live. She sleeps basically all day. She still eats and drinks but less now.
    I feel it's only going downhill from here… should I start thinking of putting her down?
    I get really bad anxiety just from thinking about her suffering in pain, or watching her die naturally. Sometimes I fear getting up from my bed and seeing she died during the night alone. I think of putting her down before she deteriorates even further, but I don't know if I'm being selfish.

  13. We said goodbye this morning to our baby Zoe. She was a beautiful little rescue puppy that came into our lives 19 yrs ago. My husband and I have euthanized all our rescues with hesitancy because we always questioned whether we or not we were doing the right thing. I feel we beat ourselves up over the decision because we struggled to say goodbye. It was always extremely difficult but in the end, we knew our babies were at peace. With Zoe, we prayed so much for God to take her peacefully and allow us to be with us here at home. He answered our prayers today. We are so blessed but are absolutely heartbroken over her passing. We were given so many years with her. We have wonderful memories of our sweet baby. Fittingly enough, as we laid her to rest, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," began to play. It was one of the most heartbreaking and happiest moments of our lives. RIP Precious Zoe….you were so loved.

  14. Thank you Doctor Jones, I’ve been asked this recently by my vet about euthanizing my fur baby he is a mix Jack Russel Terrier 13 years old adopted him from the humane society when he was 5 so I missed his youth, he was a stray dog but potty trained and calm, strong, fearless and a sweetheart.

    Recently last month he got infected with a lump on his right front leg I took him to a emergency vet clinic and because he suddenly stopped moving, loss of appetite, constant diarrhea and started to not drink. They tried to help him and I couldn’t even see my dog due to COVID restrictions. They charged me over 1300 just for the tests they preformed blood, urine, x ray which took over 12 hours I waited in the car overnight because I live an hour away city limits. They said he had a fever and was going to be fine, prescribed Milo with antibiotics and pain meds with a appetizer liquid. They released him as fine and euhydrated.. but he wasn’t. Few days went by he started getting worst and I was trying to feed and have him drink water he lost a lot of weight and started bleeding from the mouth.I called the emergency vet again next week and told me to bring him in ASAP which I did, took over 1 to 2 hours just for the doctor there to see my dog and charged 110 just for the check up they didn’t do anything for milo and the doctor personally wanted to talk to me about euthanasia.. This hit me hard because I know he wasn’t ready to go and wasn’t ready to give up on him especially with a place like that. I ultimately refused because he was saying the costs just for hospitalization alone for 48 hours was 3000 and more not including the services to treat him.. I lost my job recently before all this happened due to COVID so this has been extremely difficult for me I’ve never been through this much pain and same with my baby dog Milo… so I had him discharged against the doctors orders and I continued to hunt and look for other vets.

    Took him home for the night and I monitored and try to keep him comfortable waking up every hour. I went to many vets and all of the turned me down, all booked, no opening or long waits up to 12 plus hours, and first come first servers in many emergency vets.

    My last resort I asked my parents to help me and Milo my father was in the Airforce and my mom suggested to bring him to the Base clinic there so we rushed over there with Milo in my arms. One of the doctors saw us and Milo suffering in my arms and immediately had us go into the first exam room. Normally they don’t do walking sand only appointments she said. There we waited for another veterinary doctor to come in and she immediately started working on Milo to stabilize him. She had me help assist and she injected him with IV, shaved his hair around his neck for shots and to check pulses, 24hour steroid for his inflammation she said from his bleeding gums. While asking me questions about everything and I showed her paperwork’s of the previous location. The doctor pointed out that he is not euhydrated at all, Milo was definitely dehydrated so she put the first IV on his back to save for the weekend because the clinic was closed on the weekend we got him in on a Friday. She said the blood test was 60$ which was a shock to me compared to the emergency vet.. and the fact I am able to be in the room with Milo and the doctor while she treats him. She came back with the blood results and saw that he was extremely ill, infection, and I kept pointing out maybe the lump on his arm which the Emergency vet seem to keep ignoring which was ruptured prior to leaving the Emergency vet. So she injected Milo with a 2 week long steroid for the inflammation and also injected morphine for all the pain he was in.

    I was amazed and thankful for the doctor that took Milo in immediately without the question of money weighing down and just loving and caring to treat him. We brought Milo in the next day as he stabilized he was alert again and he lost a lot of weight from the illness he was weighed at 5lbs.. down from 16 lbs when he was healthy. That’s when the doctor checked the wound/lump/cyst on his front right arm, which was open and bleeding.I showed the doctor and nurse pictures before, in between, and after. They noticed it didn’t have any puncture marks and wasn’t a tumor or anything but determined it was a spider bite! Brown Recluse bite the nurse confirmed they treated Milo and have him a few more in house injections and have me bandages supplies, special spray, cream gauze and tells pad to change it daily. He stated to do a lot better eating drinking again more alert. Walking around even licking my face again.

    Then 2 weeks later he had another checkup he was fine and just got more supplies, unfortunately later that night I noticed a large lump cyst appeared on his back out of nowhere even took pictures to send to the doctor personally and told me to bring him in the next day. We did me and my mom with Milo he started walking poorly, difficulty standing and getting up also laying down he’s uncomfortable. They don’t have X-rays at this clinic, but she preformed an ultrasound and the cyst was hard and fast she said. The doc brought out the needle and had the nurse assist her and showed me the cyst on the monitor. She injected the needles to do some tests on it. Took about half an hour and she came in and said it’s not looking good.. She didn’t find any white blood cells she said and all she found was muscle cells. Which meant he had muscle cancer, cancer lump. She said he doesn’t have long if that cancer progresses can be difficult and loss of breath she gave me 4 to 6 months that’s when I started breaking down in tears again. She told us to call if anything happens to Milo and if he doesn’t get better. So they injected Milo with another pain medication for the day. He was fin the next day was waking around and limping a bit while riding the right leg where the cyst was found on his upper hip area. But Sunday he was in more pain it was extremely difficult to change his bandage, he kept groaning and moaning still in one place for a few mins. I left a voice mail prior saying he was fine but also left messages about him doing worse

    Today, Monday I called the clinic and the recep said the doctor was busy but eventually she got her to talk with me. I told her about Mills condition not improving, and that’s when she offered to euthanize Milo, however they don’t have any at that clinic she said but she offered to do it before or after her work couple hours before or after her main facility. I said ok I will call and let you know and I informed my family. My mom and I cried a lot together I told my younger brother and dad about it too. However Milo may be in pain it’s not as bad as when he was Fritos at the vet, I’ve taken and studied DrJones videos to help aid and manage milos pain so far I have some Homeopathic pain medication he mention that hustled arrive and seems to be helping Milo with the pain. I’ve also order his supplements because he hasn’t been taking any in a long time due to me losing my job I had some savings left. Now I’m holding out hope for these things to work and also order some hock leg supports coming in tomorrow when I was suppose to see the doctor to get Milo Euthanized. But after after this video and we scored Milo above 37 so I will see if all these help him… thank you for everything doc I will be phone and empowered pet parent

  15. Our 15 year old dachsie is reaching that time. She wanders aimlessly most of the day. It’s like following a crawling baby around to make sure she doesn’t get into anything. It seems as if she’s looking for somewhere to hide. I’m was a nurse & her behavior is like one of my sweet patients w/ dementia. My vet says she is content & right now it’s hardest on us. “It’s up to you how long you want to go thru this with her. There is absolutely no question that I’d do it forever.
    We take turns ever 2 hours to carry her outside to the grass.
    Thankfully, we’re retired now, so we have the time. She has Cushing Disease so drinks large amounts of water, which I refuse to deny her. Her appetite is ravenous. Once she stops eating or is in pain, we’ll know it’s time. Never an easy decision, never easy, always heart wrenching.
    Our last dachsie lived til 17, he pretty much died of old age snuggled between us in the middle of the nite. We had an appt. for the next day to say goodbye. Sweet little guy saved us from having him go thru being euthanized. He did make a long howl type sound just before he passed & to this day I swear it was him saying “I love you”, or “goodbye”, or “see you on the other side”.💞🐾….those thoughts helped ease my heart a bit. The worst part was waiting for our vet to open, so we could bring him in for cremation. Longest 4 hours of my life. They all somehow give us so many gifts & memories & our lives are never quite the same. There is a wonderful book called DOG HEAVEN by Cynthia Rylant. I highly recommend it, simple for children & eases adults hearts. I actually keep a couple copies on hand, instead of a sympathy card, I send this & write a note from my heart on the inside cover, sometimes I write little notes on pages…. cute little reminders specifically about their dog. They’ve always been very much appreciated. (There is also a cat heaven book). Bless our little fur babies 🐾🐾🐾🐾.

  16. Have you ever heard of cats getting sick after Cosequin? My 16 yr old kitty was enjoying me sprinkling it on her food for last 3 days but now she is on her death bed. I don't know if her body is just tryong to process it out of her system or if this is the end of the road. She is still eating & drinking & purring & loving on me, but she is slumped over, lethargic, like she's poisoned or something. Our vet is booked but I can take her to emergency room. Would love some advice though, thank you. PS she recently had clavamox & cipro antibiotics for UTI infection

  17. Thanks for sharing, Dr Jones. I had to make the decision to let my dog Dusty of 7 years go on Aug. 10. I was able to feed him and make sure he drank water, he was still responsive to me and was like begging me for help & in a lot of pain even with meds. He could no longer get up or go to the bathroom because of no mobility and discovered a birth issue that progressed most of his life where his bones deteriorated in his pelvic area. He had very little quality of life. I'm going to use this scale with his brother who doesn't have the bone deterioration and still is able to function at a higher level with meds and help. Once he's helped up he can go out and no problem and eats well. I hope to try some of the supplements and things your sharing in hopes to give him more quality of life with his severe arthritis.

  18. Me and my husband rescued a dog from the animal shelter and they had a vet check him out and said he just had authritis, well we took him to our vet to see what we could do about the authritis but it turns out he had a broken pelvis and the bone in his hip joint was broken and we couldn't afford the surgeries to fix the issue so we kept him on pain meds till they weren't helping anymore and we had to put him down, we only had for 4 months but it was still hard to let him go.

  19. Acter watching Dr.Andrew Jones' video this morning, and reading all of your comments,
    I wanted to share my experience of having to let go of a much-loved pet!
    A few weeks ago, I had to say goodbye to my little Moodle, Lucy. She was 13 yrs and 4 months. She had breast cancer and had really declined a lot in the recent weeks. I saw that she was in pain and she wasn't responding to me like before. She was the most loyal little thing and we were holding on to each othe, really.
    In the end, I realised that I had to let her go.
    I called the vet and got ready for our arrival. A lovely lady vet showed us into a private consulting room.
    My husband was there along with Lucy's twin sister. The vet took Lucy into the clinic where a team of vets and vet nurses lovingly put an I.V. line into Lucy's vein with a mild sedative to calm her and so she would'nt feel any pain. The vet then broght her back to me to hold and told me to take as long as I needed, but to let her know when I was ready!
    She held the line in her hand with a little button.
    I held Lucy in my arms and told her I loved her, then hen I was ready I told the vet that it was time. She pressed the button and in about 2 seconds, Lucy was gone! I stayed with her body for a while. She looked very peaceful and I knew that I had done the right thing for her.
    It's been a month now since Lucy's passing. I''m still grieving and I still cry sometimes, but am keeping myself busy by making a beautiful little garden with roses and other scented plants to remember Lucy. Soon, I will gather my family together to help me scatter Lucy's ashes among the flowers, and in some of her favourire places!
    Love to you all!

  20. Yes, the scale is informative. I would also bet on my own intuition and ask God, the animal is still His and He knows when it's time to come Home. I was in shock when my first dog died, it was horrible and I couldn't help him.

  21. Hi doctor….i am from india. My 3 1/2 month old Labrador puppy has lost hind legs movement. I had shown to many vets here in Delhi but noone is able to diagnose the problem….we all really love him and doesn't want to see him in this condition….degenre mylopy….it seems but vets here doesn't acknowledge. Pls help in making him walk again.

  22. I did not have my white German Shepherd euthanized at the end of her life- she was 15 yrs old. She seemed out of pain and able to eat at least a little the last 2 weeks. She was so alert and responded well to the baby pool baths, warm water therapies – she followed me with her eyes all day. She seemed determined to live. If things had been different I may have done it. Everyone was advising me to but I am glad I did not. I don't think she suffered until the last hour. I had pain and heart meds to keep her breathing easy and rested. She was like a person. She was communicating with me and responding until the last hour. I took off everything inn my life to stay home with her that last month. I'm glad I did. I miss her so much.

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