Whats good yall , so recently I traveled to Los angeles and spent a couple days out there . I took my camera man and long time … Check on YouTube
48 Commentaires
Mate your energy just lights me up man. That laugh should be trademarked. Great energy and just made me smile. Rare find and so happy I did find it. Smashed that sub button brother 💯 🙏🏾🔥
😂😂😂😂yoooo this is what made me get into THC fam 💨 after seeing your energy and more if you bro your so humble and down to earth I wish I stayed up with you but life got crazy but I’m so happy I keep up with you now
You are not tripping. You would not be able to eat food at all foo, I've grown em for YEEEEEARRRRSS and I microdose 3x a month with a single gram. It's still hard for me to eat even with a small amount, idk maybe y'all got BUNKO shrooms. Hit my line y'all.
Oh shit so this what shrooms be when my friend told me sum bout shrooms I was like wtf so I said you want sum mushrooms I needa upgrade my shit then 🤣🤣
Bro I just tried shrooms for the first time and had 2g and it didn’t do shit so I just kept smoking waiting and it didn’t do shit I just felt extra baked I was pissed
Mate your energy just lights me up man. That laugh should be trademarked. Great energy and just made me smile. Rare find and so happy I did find it. Smashed that sub button brother 💯 🙏🏾🔥
crazyWhose here watching all of THC videos ❤️
6:47 sums up the shrooms experience
moping the lnl chicken katsu. lmao
Good video bro! Chill on the driving tho! Hate to see you make a lifetime mistake.
yeah ik he was trippin when i saw his house temperature was 59 degrees😂😂😂😭
😂😂😂😂yoooo this is what made me get into THC fam 💨 after seeing your energy and more if you bro your so humble and down to earth I wish I stayed up with you but life got crazy but I’m so happy I keep up with you now
I swear to right when you turn on the air mine turn on wtf I'm tripped out like a mf
How much for a thcfan shirt
Damn the hair bro
What happen to Matt , Mrthc?😔
How do you eat on shrooms😂
Yo fuck you were in Hawaii hoooo shit. Currently going through your Chanel and watching a whole bunch of your vids 😂😂 love from Hawai’i my brotha ❤️🤙🏽
2:32 bro was straight trippinnn
How shit didn’t know mr THC had braids
Rule no. 1
Don't betrayed weed 🔥
You guys could get a steady supply from (501)904-9184. He is my favorite plug and the most trustworthy person I know
@mycobose if u need some mushies in LA
This my first video I seen by u had to come back n watch it 😂
This is great 😂😂
I’m sorry u got shitty shrooms dude last time I did them I forgot where I was but nice videos bro keep up the good work #STAYGREEN
Yo! U had long hair ! Lmao
Hey boss got a email? I got some ! Fire ones
Still watching this after like a year 😭
2:30 when they start kicking in
Orange juice helps the mushroom hit harder. I would know 🥴
You are not tripping. You would not be able to eat food at all foo, I've grown em for YEEEEEARRRRSS and I microdose 3x a month with a single gram. It's still hard for me to eat even with a small amount, idk maybe y'all got BUNKO shrooms. Hit my line y'all.
If you’re here looking for what to do on shrooms… watch rick and morty. And smoke. That’s it
Yup you can fasho feel energy on shrooms
Lmk if yall wanna try acid lol i got yall 😎👌👽
The thing he said about shrooms and a joint is facts
Whenever i do shrooms i like to use a space heater or fireplace to stay warm. something about being cozy af is amazing on shrooms.
This nigga got them coke bottoms😂😂😂😂
Vibe is a gross word. Just like moist
Would love to do a Collab ☺💯🙏 wit you
4:25 nigga whaat
Gotta Love IT🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🐓💨
Oh shit so this what shrooms be when my friend told me sum bout shrooms I was like wtf so I said you want sum mushrooms I needa upgrade my shit then 🤣🤣
Did you have oj with shrooms?
زبطونا ياهوه
Mannnnn I’m finna be on probation so watching u get high is what’s keeping me sober rn hardest thing of my life
This nigga driving on shrooms 😂😂😐
This hair was dope yo MrThc
Matt is such a cool dude
Bro I just tried shrooms for the first time and had 2g and it didn’t do shit so I just kept smoking waiting and it didn’t do shit I just felt extra baked I was pissed
That’s my favorite combo hot sauce and regular Cheetos and hot Cheetos . Preferably valentine hot sauce
Aren’t shrooms illegal??