12 Commentaires

  1. Is this your highest rating so far? Also, you didn’t have a trained sniper scoping in on you to ensure that high score did you? Just noticed that red dot didn’t move the whole review haha 😉

  2. Ive had this drink once b4 and at least a few times the lemon lime sparkling cbd water. This drink was ok but not great. The water drink wad only 10mg cbd not 15mg like this drink and sometimes the cbd effects felt better from the water n other times i guess unnoticed only think strong flavor. I noticed theres a mango passonfruit cbd water n some citrus basecamp drink forget if thc or cbd.

  3. I believe that there isn't a cap on CBD levels in edibles / drinks. Hypothetically you could have a 100mg CBD drink. A few different chocolates available have a 10mg THC, and 20 CBD. These look like an easy sell

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