45 Commentaires

  1. Yeah that’s easy to say when you’re trippin out xD He cant just say to himself that noone’ve died from it. Like, weed can be psychadelic in higher doses. So try to tell yourself the trip in gonna end when you’re stuck in a loop on LSD XD This is why you need a tripsitter.

  2. This is one of my favorite videos from you!!! I had to delve into some of your "older" stuff and check it out. I really liked the motivational "speech" at the end, cause I'm moving to Arizona from Oregon here in the coming weeks and it's been heavy on my mind leaving what I have left of a life back here and starting completely new down there. I'm horribly scared, but I know it's what I need to do to grow up more and move on with my life. Thank you for your kind words, man. I needed to hear them at this exact point. Cheers to you, Josh!

  3. I use to smoke aloot of spice after being arrested for weed, it was just for the cause that it didnt show on tests.. I was making my own spice to, i have atleast smoked over KGs of that shit! Probably for 5 years atleast i was smoking it, building up my tolerence. In these 5 years i had one single "freakout", but still.. Never ever smoke that shit! Free the weed.

    (dont mind my spelling)

  4. Great to see you discouraging the use of those horrible synthetics Josh. Wish more of the large audience weedtubers would do the same. It's terrible stuff. Too many young, promising lives lost to it.

  5. man you are such a positive person sucks that people aren't chill around here but cannabis is illigal in Canada right now but today's election day and if The liberals win they will legalize it so here's hoping. Cheers man

  6. Keep up the awesome videos, Josh! Also, it's nice to see that you're using that Wizard puff bubbler (aka: the "on-the-go" "milk dispenser" rig), since I'm also going to get one as well with a smoker's kit.

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