Drug Dealing to Survive Ibiza’s Eternal Sesh | High Society (Clip) mars 13, 2023 admin CBD News 27 This is a clip from an upcoming episode of High Society airing 25th March on @VICE’s YouTube. Ibiza is the world’s greatest party … Check on YouTube vice
CBD News Ex-Inmate Reveals Why UK Prisons Are Broken | Life Inside janvier 9, 2024 admin CBD News 21 The UK prison system is broken. Far from working to deter or rehabilitate, 80% of criminals who receive cautions or convictions … Check on YouTube
CBD News Gender Segregation in Rural India juillet 3, 2022 admin CBD News 35 In some North Indian towns and villages, it’s an age-old tradition for unmarried boys to live in a room outside of the home called … Check on YouTube
CBD News What Are the Wildest Things Being Put Inside Steroids? #shorts novembre 26, 2023 admin CBD News 0 In this episode of High Society, VICE explores why a generation of young men are getting hooked on steroids. From the dealers … Check on YouTube
They need to start IV'ing cocaine it lasts you longer (your 8th the high is shorter lol) and it feels like being wired directly to the national grid in seconds……do it just before you blow your load ! Répondre
I'm sorry but every Irish dealer I've ever known all say they don't touch it ahahaha bullshit Répondre
This shows that people will get their drugs someway. In America, if the demand wasn't as high, people won't traffick drugs across the border. Répondre
En 4 minutos vice as dado mucha información sobre este irlandés, antes del verano lo agara la guardia civil ! Répondre
Seems fake lol. Like wtf the guy in the back filming and her not realizing lol he was in plain sight recording seems like bs to me. Répondre
i dont understand people who is going there realy dat place is fakted up 20 years now only drugs nothink more Répondre
No person who is really doing anything is letting ANY camera near them for any reason at all. Répondre
so swell for Vice to place key identity identifications … thanks
Anyone know Leo in Ibiza?? 😂🤫
They need to start IV'ing cocaine it lasts you longer (your 8th the high is shorter lol) and it feels like being wired directly to the national grid in seconds……do it just before you blow your load !
I'm sorry but every Irish dealer I've ever known all say they don't touch it ahahaha bullshit
This shows that people will get their drugs someway. In America, if the demand wasn't as high, people won't traffick drugs across the border.
En 4 minutos vice as dado mucha información sobre este irlandés, antes del verano lo agara la guardia civil !
Seems fake lol. Like wtf the guy in the back filming and her not realizing lol he was in plain sight recording seems like bs to me.
As someone who lives here they've made a lot out of a little 😂
Nice one! I Look forward to it.
Please do a story on prop 65.
Great content, I like the fact that the guy has a strict moral code
Surely vice could have don’t a better job of hiding this guys Irish accent… smh
i dont understand people who is going there realy dat place is fakted up 20 years now only drugs nothink more
Interesting information
Vice is trying really hard to turn me into a coke dealer….well it's working.
Ibiza is the Los Vegas of Europe. (pretty gross)
What’s his IG 😂
"times 2 18k"
don't drop out of school, kids, trust me.
Such a business that you can also meet famous and influential people.
No person who is really doing anything is letting ANY camera near them for any reason at all.
If your selling a quarter ounce of coke hand to hand, you nobody in the game