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Dr Jones’ Free Book. If your dog shakes his or her head, has a foul smell coming from the … Check on YouTube
Dr Jones’ Free Book: If you dog excessively scratches, itches, rubs on the carpet, has … Check on YouTube
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Will my dog get sick if he licks the area where the solution is applied ?
❤thank you much appreciated ❤
Thank you
How do I make my own puppy kibble my puppy is 4 months old and is an miniature Australian shepherd
keep refrigerated
Thank you for speaking truth!!!! We need many more medical professionals like you, not afraid to speak truth to the people! F and I do mean F big pharma #DontGetTheFauciOuchie #TerrainTheory
Thank you so much for your videos. One question: what percentage chlorhexidine solution?
Where can I pick these ingredients up at? My dog is suffering so bad.
Should the chlorhexidine be 2% or 4%??
You are awesome! My sons dog needs this, he won’t listen to what I suggest. Very sad.
I love you for this!!!!!
This Vet shares so many excellent tips so we can keep on enjoying our animal companions. Thank you 💕
Can I use that to kill cat ringworms ?
Thank you
I would just add to make sure the paper towels were chemical-free (unbleached).
You should make these available for purchase at pet stores !
What if they lick it?
Genius!!! Thank you so much 🥰
Can I use betadine in place of the chlorhexidine?