13 Commentaires

  1. Fletch please bring archive to NYC we need high quality cannabis from people that actually care. Last thing we need is a cookie store 🤮🤢 SMH . The market for quality herb is great here and you would also sell a ton of seeds and cuts . Well I am sure its a long shot but I have too ask . Love the show and always enjoy learning from you

  2. My grandmother used to always say "the nose knows"
    I think it varies depending on the person. I'm sure if your sense of smell is one of your weakest senses and lets say you're a more visual person, that's going to be your strongest sense for judging Cannabis.
    I know some people who can't smell anything man, it's insane.

  3. Have you guys tried DabX? The DabX Go is honestly my favorite for the portable vapes. Made in the USA, cheaper than competitors, less cleaning required, hits and taste great, and long battery life. Seriously worth checking out and supporting a company like them. I got mine on a 4th of July sale for 200.. cant beat it.

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