What Jamie said about cooking being like therapy really hit home. I've recently discovered a love for cooking after previously seeing it as a bit of a chore, even though I could technically do it. I like my looooong recipes and find the whole process incredibly therapeutic.
you have ruined this channel now putting this fellow on here, he promotes supermarket culture, fake non organic foods,car culture. this guy cares nothing about us all, just his own personality… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRLqLACXFC8
Did he miss the salt? I’d taste really bland
He had me interested until 6:30 when he only say 320 Fahrenheit. He might as well have said 40 stones and 3 cups. Use international measures!
jamie looked a little off here. Like he got drunk the night before the shoot
What is that a chef? He made every mistake he could making this dish.
How do you like that one chef
Luvly juvley
haiya jamie…
What Jamie said about cooking being like therapy really hit home. I've recently discovered a love for cooking after previously seeing it as a bit of a chore, even though I could technically do it. I like my looooong recipes and find the whole process incredibly therapeutic.
He’s no uncle Jamie
People really think Jamie Oliver can't cook any cuisine because westernized Asian "Uncle Tom" Roger says so lmao
Where’s uncle roger?
Go back and endorse some frying pans. That shit looks disgusting.
The food actually is so good for me and your sister my decision of cooking the food for me and my brother called Inaam and Mummy.
"Real people don't have time to peel onions" WTF!
you have ruined this channel now putting this fellow on here, he promotes supermarket culture, fake non organic foods,car culture. this guy cares nothing about us all, just his own personality…
No Chilli jam ?
His Thai green curry was the most inauthentic ever. I'm not watching this.
hi man like man that good!!!
I found his cooking show on tv and really enjoy his personality for cooking food one amazing chef I'll tell you that much
After you got that racist black woman to decide for you i'm unsubscribing.
Ohhh noooo, Jamie Oliver Noooooo, Haiyaaa
How do you call yourself a chef
I must say that music is very annoying, otherwise thanks for the recipe
I don't eat Beef (Because of religious belive)
Bbbut Jamie Oliver you fUcKeD Up