18 Commentaires

  1. I have had the Argo for a couple of years now. No issues at all, really like the fact that any 12 mm glass works in it they will just be longer and not protected totally. I use the glass 12 mm one hitters in mine all the time. Being longer they cool better and with the single hole they work like the pvhex vortex tubes they take a course grind or my normal is to just pull some pieces off a nug and put it in. Also great for bubblers because it's so small and doesn't cause my bubbler to fall over like larger TED's.

  2. That necklace you are wearing is some sort of pirates of the caribbean style door opener to a treasure somewhere I would assume. As a girl i like the rounded corners of argo a bit better. not sure if the mouthpiece moving and coming out is a good idea. i would drop it for sure. whatever they are cheap i assume.

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