40 Commentaires

  1. Great show! Awesome idea I feel like a lot of crazy, weird, hilarious, absolutely unbelievable shit happened within a specific generation. I like to this of this generation as the “house party” or “kick back” generation ya know pre- isolation generation. Thanks for sharing your hysterical stories!!
    The world definitely needs more laughter

  2. Had this dude that was a drug dealer in my town who sold drugs for over 20 years and was able to buy a nice 2 story house with his wife and 2 kids. He never had a job. And on my way to school one day I saw these 2 sheriff SUV's stopped at a stop sign, I looked inside and both cars had dudes that were fully kitted out with tactical gear going to raid this fools house. If u make a bunch of money dealing dont go around buying shit like ur a rapper, especially if u dont even have a cover job that might explain the money. Keep it modest and only buy shit (like cars or houses that everyone can see) that your job can support. You can't be a pizza guy and support your entire family and buy a nice house, ur just asking to be investigated

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