23 Commentaires

  1. am so sad that nyan cat is now an nft. should have costed more then a million, it was my entire childhood!! but atleast the creator has made some money out of it!

  2. Someone had enough money to change people live, they had enough money to make a significant impact by donating to charity or funding cancer research, but they bought an NFT of a video from YouTube that anyone can see that was made as a joke

  3. Chris… Actually doesn't know that said "network", said "blockchain" is fake and a scam. Even if it was real, it CANNOT protect or trace back any property. If it had a watermark or some encrypted code (steganography) hidden within the image, sure, BUT THIS IS JUST SELLING LITERALLY NOTHING.

    tl;dr the "blockchain" doesn't exist. he sold part of internet history for nothing

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